Ch.16 The pirate girl and Cat escape

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CJ pulls her knees to her chest as she rest her chin on her knee. as she solomonly looks out the small round window. Her and Chase had been untied from the chairs and allowed to roam the small room. but there was not that much freedom for the two VK's, since they wore long shackles that where contested to the ground but still long enough to walk around. The door was still locked though.

This isn't what CJ imagined to spend her 15th birthday. She imagined spending her birthday with Freddie and Lydie who would treat her to a birthday heist and after wards getting her favorite foods and then broading a real working pirate ship. She would call that ship her own. Then to end the day her mother would bake her tastey cake. That's what was suspposed to happen to day.

But the reilatie of her situation was she was stuck a prisoner on her 15th birthday. No pirate ship, no food, no friends, no cakeand no freedom.

But that's wasn't the worst part. CJ was casted out of the Hook family name and her new pet was gone. Now she was really an outsider. If she wasn't a hook who was she ? Was she really her mother's daughter ?

Tears streamed down her face as she closes her eyes and remembers so many happier times with her mother when she was younger. Not Harry and Harriet's mom but her mother. She and her mother use to get along so well until CJ started to hang around her father and Mal alot more. We know CJ'S mom was an hero and to say CJ's villian behavior was a put off would be an understatement. But truth be told that CJ'S mom was considered a traitor among Auradon but no one knew what she did to be sent on the Isle alot however say CJ's dad was the reason why she got banned from Auradon. But Her mother didn't want CJ to be evil like her father, she was fine with CJ to be a pirate but not evil becauses she believed CJ could be more than what she believed. This always made the two argue always ending with CJ leaving her mother's house to go live with Freddie's for a few days or her father's house. The last argument they had was an a year ago where CJ decided not to return home. It started like any other argument but CJ decided to bring up her mother's banned from Auradon and wanted the truth why. Her mother was about to say something but couldn't find the words to explain to her daughter. Angry that her mother wouldn't tell her the truth CJ just left her mother and didn't return home.

It had been a year since CJ last her mother. But now looking back at the argument, CJ felt guilt since she loved her mother. Now she might not be able to see her mother again or take back what she said to her mother.

"I'm sorry mother" CJ thought tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly CJ feels a hand comforting hand on her shoulder. She opens her eyes to see Chase sitting next to her with a soft look. His hands where shackled as well. CJ trys to look away from him, so he couldn't see her cry. She didn't want to appear weak.

"Hey it's okay to cry" Chase said with a smile.

"Not if you want to seem weak" CJ whispers.

"Crying shows that your at least human" Chase said.

"Did you ever cry cat ?" CJ asks.

"When I was sent to the Isle, yeah I cryed alot becauses I knew I would never see my friends again and honestly that was harderest I ever cried in my life" Chase admits sadly.

"I don't know how you ever got through that" CJ said.

"Simply I meet you" Chase smiles.

"Aw your just saying that" CJ said, giggling a little.

Chase smiles as he whipes her tears.

"It's true your the first friend I've ever meet on the isle" Chase smiles.

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