Ch.22 Disguises

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Chase had led CJ and the smee twins to his old dorm room and where currently rummaging through clothes for disguises. CJ was looking at the boy clothes. Chase sighs sadly becauses they got rid of his clothes. The clothes they where basically pillagering where not even his.

"Chase what do theses Auradon kids even wear ?" CJ asks.

"Unformies mostly" Chase said as he looks at some shirts.

"Oh no way in neverland am I wearing that" CJ mutters.

"CJ if we're gonna find Mal then we need to fit in into Auradon" Chase said.

"If you think I'm taking off my dad's coat then you must be mistaken" CJ retores.

"Let's just find some outfits for squeaky and Squirmy" Chase said as he looks at smaller shirts and pants.

CJ grins when she sees blue little hats. Grabbing the little hats and she places the hats on Squirmy's head.

"Hey what's going on here..... whaaaatttt ?!" Someone shouts.

Chase turns his head towards Jane the daughter of the Fair god mother and the headmistress of the school. Chase gives her a sheepishly smile along with CJ who follows his example.

Jane stares at them with a shocked expression.

"Your pretty girl !" Squkey said with a smile.

Chase gives the young boy the look before hearing a loud thump. He sees Jane fainted. CJ looks at Squirmy.

"Hey Squirmy you got duct tape ?" CJ asks him.

Squirmy responds with holding up a roll of duct tape only for Chase to snatche it away from him.

"No where not doing that" Chase said as he picks up Jane.

"What are you doing ?" CJ asks.

"I got a better idea" Chase said.


It was the next morning and the VK'S where still on the search for Mal's father. Gil was shouting for Mal's father which was proably not helping but you gotta give the guy credit for helping.

"Mal's father ! Where's are you !?" Gil calls out.

Gil was greeted with the sound of the wind.

"Okay sing you name if you can hear me !" Gil calls out.

"You don't know his name though" Carlos said.

"We will in a mintue" Gil said.

But they where greeted once again by again by the wind.

"Nothing ? That's great, we been finding nothing for 2 days now" Harry mutters.

"Hate to say it but Harry's right were not getting anywhere" Mal admits.

"This isn't excatly a safe place to split up, Mal" Uma said.

"But we would be able to cover more areas" Carlos said.

"I just think it's a bad idea to split up I mean Gil couldn't really be by himself he'll get lost" Jay jokes.

"Hey I can find my way back" Gil said defensely.

Harry just shackes his head.

"We're not gonna have anyone go off on thire own Jay" Evie said.

Mal stops and looks at a dark cave. She felt something was in there. Gil looks at what she's looking at.

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