Ch.21 being wrong about her

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After spending all day climbing and walking the group decided to  call it a night. Jay had set up a camp fire and the group was sitting around it roasting hot dogs and Marshmallows. Uma sat a little away from the camp fire quitly eating some fruit and sitting by herself.

Mal watched thinking about earlier today. Uma saved her from the fall and seemed concerned about her. It didn't make much senses to Mal. Isn't this the same Uma who kidnapped Ben and loved spelled him ? Heck she even turned into an large octopus like her mother. Uma is evil isn't she ?

Has she turned over a new leaf or was this all an act to trick Mal ? But if this was an trick Uma wouldn't have saved her from the fall right ?

It made Mal wonder if Uma changed is this the reason why Shan Yung is after her ? Because she turned good ? Or was it something else sinster ?

Mal wanted to turn Uma over to Yung so she wouldn't have to deal with the young sea witch. But after today she wasn't too sure. Mal hasn't felt this conflicted in awhile not sense she decided to turn her back on evil.

Maybe Uma wanted to become a better person but Mal wasn't sure yet.

As Mal was  thinking and eating Uma was looking at Harry, thinking how handsome he is. She liked him but she didn't know if he felt the same about her. And after being separated two months away from him, her feelings for him grew.

Gil munched on his hot dog he noticed a seagull staring at him or more importantly the hot dog.

"Oh hey the seagulls are back" Gil said before relizing the seagull was staring at his food.

Gil hides behind Evie, thinking she could protect him agaisnt the seagulls.

"Gil what's the matter ?" Evie asks looking at him in concern.

"I think the seagulls want my hot dog" Gil whimpers trying to protect his hot dog.

Evie grabs a stick and throws it at the seagulls scarying them away.

"Mine mine mine !" The seagulls shout flying off.

"Thanks Evie !" Gil said with a goofy smile.

"No problem" Evie said as she eats a Marshmallow.

Jay looks at Harry who was glaring at him. Jay sighs.

"I don't get it Harry" Jay suddenly said looking at the pirate boy.

"Get what ?" Harry mutters looking at Jay annoyed.

"I don't get why you hate me so much" Jay said.

Harry remained slightly as he just looks away from Jay. Jay decided to countine.

"Yes I flirted with your sister but it was only a joke that CJ came up  with it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, We did to see your reaction. I mean I flirted with Harriet once and you didn't get all angry about it" Jay explains.

"Uhhhh that's because Harriet socked you in the face for that" Evie points out.

"I remember that" Carlos said.

"You should of known better than to encourage that. CJ might thinks it's a joke but you should of at least relized the dangers of that kinda prank. It's all funny until it happens for real !" Harry snares at him knowing how dangerous the Isle is.

"But it's not happening and do get how it can become dangerous especially on the Isle. But Harry I swear we never had feelings for each other" Jay said.

It confused Jay though. Harry and CJ where only half siblings, why did he care so much about CJ. Harry was a villian yet he's being an over protective brother.

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