Ch.12 CJ'S father

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CJ didn't know what was worse, being captured by Shan Yang or facing her raged filled father. Her face was pale and her body was filled with fear. And in the first time in so long, CJ was scared for her life. Harriet idmentally took note of this behavior, it made her a little concern to see her sister afraid like this.

"You have some explaining to do Calista Jane" Captain Hook snares as he gets up close to CJ'S face.

"H-Harriet captured me" CJ stummers as she looks into her father's raged filled eyes.

"Yes that's true captain, I was just talking to Harriet on how wrong that's to do to family and...." Mr. Smee tries to explain but Captain Hook intrups him.

"Shut up you fool !" Hook shouts angrily.

"I don't care if you got captured but what I do care about is the fact you tricked and lied to me" Hook snares getting closer to CJ'S where she could smell his smelly breath.

CJ shrinks agaisnt the ropes and chair in fear. She didn't know what her father was going to do to her and it scared her knowing her father was unpredictable when he was angry.... no inraged.

"And you know what I hate ?" Captain Hook asks meanceingly.

"I... I... I" CJ stummers in fright, she didn't know what to say.

Chase felt concerned for CJ. He never seen so afraid.

"I hate being lied to and you just did that to me, lied to me" Captain Hook snares.

"We're villians lying is what we do best, you should be proud of me" CJ manged to get out.

"Proud of you ?! Why should I be proud of an crocodile loving daughter ! After everything crocodile has done to this family, you just think it's okay to have crocodile as pets !" Hook shouts.

CJ looks at Harriet, knowing her older sister snitched on her.

"Thanks alot Harr" CJ mutters.

"Well your father has a reason to hate crocodials they are the reason why he doesn't have his hand" Mr. Smee calmly explains.

"That's not it ! Her mother was one of the reasons why I lost my hand and I was cursed to wear this hook !" Hook snares.

"So that's why you hate my mother" CJ said with a shocked look.

"Your a spriting image of her and a constant reminder what happened that day" Hook snares.

"That wasn't my fault ! I wasn't even born then !" CJ cries out.

"Never blame the child Captain, she doesn't know what happened" Smee said looking at CJ with sympathy.

"I'll tell what happened !" Captain Hook shouts. "Many years ago I loved, trusted her ! And she betrayed me by proving to me she was still loyal to Pan ! She just stood there as Pan feed my hand to that crocodile !" Captain Hook shouts as he turns back to CJ.

"And you ! You loving croodials just puts salt on the wound !" Hook growls.

"I...I... I didn't know but that seems more like pan's fault not my mom's" CJ argues.

"She could of saved me but she didn't" Hook said darkly.

Harriet looks at CJ with concern. She didn't know Hook hated CJ'S mom this much. Then again his relationship with CJ'S mom has always been rocky even from the start.

"Now Harriet tells me you took an egg from tic tock croc, is that true" Hook asks with an evil glit in his eye.

"Yes but I have good reason for that I been training crocodile to be at my comand and what better way to get Revenge on that croc who stole your hand, is to train it's baby" CJ explains.

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