Ch. 5 Dreams

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Mal arrives back to her drom room, tried. She felt exguusted listing to Evie lecture about how she come to anyone of her friends about her issues and not avoid her problems. Mal appreciates Evie's concern she really does but sometimes she just wants to be alone and figure things out herself. All Mal wanted to now was to sleep the night away and not think about anything. Mal climbs into her bed and slowly falls asleep.


Mal sudden opens her eyes. She wasn't in her bed or Auradon. She looks at her surroundings around her where nothing but trees... lots and lots of trees. The ground was nothing but dirt and very few grass covering it.

She was standing in the middle of some kinda forest.

"Where am I ? What is this place ?" Mal asks out loud.

"Mal come back !" Mal suddenly hears faints echos of Evie's voice.

"Okay I get it Evie I'll talk to you about my issues" Mal mutters as she tries her best to neavagate through the forest.

Mal begins to walk up hill as little stone platforms appear benath her with each steps she takes.

Suddenly little glowing blue orbs race past Mal.

"What the heck ?!" Mal mutters as she quickly finds herself running after them.

She runs until one of the glowing orbs suddenly stop while the orbs scarted out around the forest. Mal holds out her hand towards it but the orb flies past the trees. She quickly follows it.

After what seems like forever Mal sees something blue glowing. She pushes past the vines and walks closer and closer to what looked a small blue flame hovering over a stance.

"Mal !" The blue flame said in a whisper growl.

"Dad ?!" Mal asks shocked.

Suddenly screaming is heard.


Mal gasps awake, sitting up. She looks around her surroundings, relizing she was back in her. Mal lays back down with a sigh of relief, looking at Evie who was still alseep. Mal relized that her dream took place in the dark enchanted forest.

Something was Calling her towards the Enchanted forest. But why ? And could it be her dad ? Mal wasn't to sure but she was going to find out.

Mal gets out of bed and grabs a bag. She grabs things she needs before grabbing a pen and paper and begins to write a note. After she was done, she places the note on her bed and sneeks outside.

Unkowest to Mal, Evie was only petending to asleep and saw Mal seeking out. She gets up and heads to Carols and Jay's room to get them.


1 month ago,

Harry sits on Uma's Throne, waiting Impaiently for any new information for where Uma could be. She had disappeared 1 month ago and no one has seen her. He was becoming impaient,angery and worried with each pasting moment she's gone.

Gil and a one pirate henchmen walks into Harry's room. Gil looked wet.

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