Ch.31 We're stronger togeather (I'm counting the the story)

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"Harry !" The girls scream.

Uma still holding on to Mal's hand with her right hand, holds out her left hand and trys to consantrat on the water below.

Harry stumbs through the air as the knight throws him off. Harry braces himself for the cold water. Suddenly an torndo of water comes up towards Harry saving him. Harry looks up to see it was Uma who saved him. The knight falls into the water.

The water torndo comes towards the cliff. Gil and Jay run towards the cliff and grab Harry from the water tornado. Carlos runs to Evie and Mal.

Harry breathes heavily as he goes limp in Gil and Jay ' s grip. Mal and Evie pull up Uma with Carlos help.

"Dude that was awesome... well it was crazy too but it was still awesome !" Gil said.

"My... hook... it's...gone" Harry breathes out.

"It's okay, Uma is safe" Gil said.

"You saved her !" Jay cheers.

Harry looks at Uma, who smiles in appropriation. Harry smiles back at her. But it was genuine. The very first for Harry.

"Your an hero" Jay said.

"Okay let's not go that far" Harry mutters.

Suddenly more knights showed up,swoards drawned.

"We're in trouble !" Carlos shouts.

Mal tries to think of an spell.

"You caused my friends pain and fear, we had enough now disapear" Mal chants.

But Mal's magic wasn't working. She was weak.

"Guys im sorry my magic isn't working !" Mal cries.

Uma's necklaces glows in Mal's hands. Uma sees this and puts on the neckleace before grabbing Mal's hand. Mal looks at her as she holds Uma's hand tight.

"You caused our friends pain and fear, we had enough now disapear !" Uma and Mal chants.

The Knights crump to the ground. The Vks cheer in victory.

Evie smiles.

"You guys did it... togeather !" Evie said with an smile.

"We did, didn't we ?" Mal asks with an smile.

"I gusse we did" Uma smiles back.

Suddenly an exploding pumpkin is throwen at the ground. Oggia comes running out of the forest. She didn't look happy at all. Worst of all the Gaston Twins where behind her as the back up.

"Malficent there over here !" The Gaston twins shout.

"Hey guys !" Gil said with an goofy smile not knowing his brothers were after them.

"No time for an family reunion ! Run !" Jay shouts.

"But I want to say hi to my Brothers !" Gil complains.

"You can when there not chasing us !" Carlos shouts.

The Vks run down hill in an panic. Jay was carring Harry over his shoulder which he was angry about.

"Jay put me down I can walk !" Harry yells angrly.

Jay just keeps an grip on Harry as they run for thire lives.

"You know not in an million years I thought we would be running from people we consider allies" Mal shouts.

"You considered Oggia an Ally ?" Carlos asks.

Mal thinks about it making an weird face.

"Okay maybe not her !" Mal shouts.

"Guys Over here !" An voice shouts from the forest.

"Is that.... celica ?" Jay asks as he runs towards the forests.

"Jay wait !" Evie shouts.

Jay runs over to Celica with the others following behind.

"What are you doing here ?" Jay asks.

"No time to explain right now follow me ! I know where you can hide follow me" Celica said monitoring the VKs to follow her towards a bunch of trees.

Celica hits one of the trees, revealing an  hatch opening.

"Come on get in !" Celica said as she gets into the tree sliding down.

All the vks follow her in sliding down inside the tree. Once inside the tree, it was a shelter place, kinda like a safe house.

"Guys I think we found a place to sleep for tonight ?" Said Mal.

Note: Okay this had been in drafts for wa years and I finished this chapters. I hope you guys like it and after people said yes for me to continue the story I decided to finish the story. But I'm finishing this story on one condition I'll try to get a chapter out every two weeks or so because I'm doing scripts for a friend on YouTube plus alot is going on that I want to spend time with friends and family. But please if I do this i need to see comments and votes that will encourage me to do this story. Next Chapter will get Ben helping CJ and Chase to find Mal but run into Harriet and Yung. Also if you have ideas for the story let me know it'll help me get back into the groove of things for this story.

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