Ch. 24 Escape from the cave

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Mal and Jay where running for thire lives as they hear Uma struggling in the background. Uma was distracting the villians so her and Jay could escape. That's something Uma wouldn't do right ? Right ? Uma was selfish not selfless right ?

Suddenly Mal feels a jerk on her arm stooping her from running. She turns her head to see Jay stopping her.

"We gotta go back for Uma, she can't handle both Oogia and Maleficent pocessing Audrey, alone !" Jay said looking back.

"Are you crazy ?! We can't take them on our own" Mal shouts.

"And you think Uma can ?! We can't leave her not after she opened up to us" Jay shouts.

Mal groans. After what Uma told them about wanting an happy ending like heroes, it was the first time ever Uma had opened up to anyone and for the first time Mal had saw a side to her that she never thought she see. An vunrable side. Mal saw that in that moment that she was more than just a villain.

"I hate it when your right Jay" Mal groans as she and Jay turn back for Uma.


Uma breaths heavily as she countries to sheild herself from the green beam.

"Just a little longer" Uma thoughts a she pushes her water sheild forward.

Poscessed Audrey laughs at Uma's definices.

"Come on Uma, if you don't come with us Yung is gonna wish you did" Oggia laughs.

"Well tell Yung good luck becauses he's never gonna get me !" Uma declares confidently as she throws a water ball at Oggia which knocked her off her feet.

Then Uma creates a wave and throws it at the possessed Audrey. Uma then runs however Audrey recovers and aims her staff at Uma. Before Uma could react, the green beam hits her, trappping her in a spare ball.

Uma pounds on the green ball, trying to escape but it was no use she was trapped.

"This can't be happening" Uma said helplessly.

"Aw don't look so scared Shrimpy, Yung will be happy to see you or your neckleaces anyway" Oggia laughs.

"She's not going anywhere with you !" Mal shouts as she and Jay arrived back.

"Mal !" Uma shouts, susprised they came back for her.

"I'm so disappointed in you two and so will Yung" Oggia snares.

"Well tell Yung if he wants Uma he's gonna go though Mal" Jay said.

"Wait why me ?" Mal asks.

"Because Yung is very scary when he's mad and I don't want to come anywhere near that" Jay said.

"Mal ! Jay ! look out !" Uma shouts.

Mal and Jay dive to the ground as the possed Audrey shoots green beams at them. Uma pounds on the green ball over and over to get free so she could help but she still trapped. Jay tackles Oggia.

Mal uses her magic to catch her mother possessing her friend off the ground. Then she hits the spear and frees Uma.

Uma drops to her knees, panting heavily. Mal exstands her hand to help Uma. Uma looks at her hand before grabbing her hand, smiling in gratuide.

"Thanks" Uma said.

"Hey I'm just returning the favor" Mal said with a small smile.

"Guys help !" Jay shouts as he's trying to wrestle Oggia.

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