Ch. 15 Frying pans who knew right ?

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Uma's eyes widen as she hears the core four's screaming and the sound of something exploding. Gil jolts awake.

"What happened ?" Gil asks.

"Segaels don't worry about it" Harry mutters as he plays with his hook.

"I had a dream and you where in it Uma, and Evie was there and you had a twin sister" Gil blabbers. 

"Gil it was a dream and I don't have a twin sister" Uma sighs.

"You okay Uma ?" Gil asks noticing Uma seemed sad.

"I'm fine Gil, it's just seeing Mal again... I felt angry something I haven't felt in 2 months" Uma explains.

"But your always angry" Gil said.

"But I never wanted to feel angry again... Everytime I got angry I felt raged and it's not a good feeling" Uma said.

"Well it's okay to feel angery once in a awhile, it's normal" Gil said patting Uma on the shoulder.

"Not how I get angry Gil" Uma sighs looking at her necklace.

"You want me to hold up a pillow so you can punch it ?" Gil asks.

"Maybe later" Uma sighs as she keeps hearing screaming within the Enchanted forest.

Uma closes her eyes and trys to ignore the screaming.


The core four was still screaming as Oggia stands in front of them. And yeah them screaming had been going on for 10 mintues now.

"Whoa wait a minute, Oggia how are you even here right now ?" Carlos asks as he finnaly stops screaming.

The others stop screaming too.

"Who thank god we can stop screaming" Evie said, her voice sounding very horsed. "Oh no my voice, I blew out my voice !" Evie said.

"Oh great Evie is losing her voice becauses of all the screaming" Mal groans.

"How long have we been screaming for ?" Jay asks.

"Can we get back to the Oggia thing ?!" Carols said.

"Oh yeah" Jay said.

"How did you get here exactly" Mal asks.

"Oh me I'm just here to follow you to make sure you do as Yung asks and not double cross us" Oggia smirks.

"Well we haven't seen Uma yet, but will let you know" Mal said.

"That's not good enough for me" Oggia snares.

"Look were here for a different reason and Uma isn't one of them" Jay said.

"Like what excatly ?" Oggia growls.

"Sight seeing and birds" Carlos said quickly.

"I'm pretty sure your here for a different reason" Oggia smirks.

"Nope totally here for the birds" Mal said.

"You think I'm stupid, I know your planning on saving your little runt apprentice ?" Oggia snares.

"Apprentice ? What are you..." Mal stops in mid sentence , relizing who she was talking about. "CJ ?! You mean CJ ?! What did you do to her ?!" Mal demands angerly.

"She's fine, she's just a little tied up" Oggia laughs.

"I was such an idiot ! I knew something was up ! I've should of know why CJ wasn't in Dr. Facilier's store" Mal snares.

"And if you want to ever see little hook, you'll find Uma" Oggia laughs.

Mal charges at Oggia only for her to throw an exploding pumpkin at her causing her to fly into a tree.

"Mal !!!!!!" Evie shouts running to Mal.

Oggia was about to throw another pumpkin until Uma came in with a pan and hits Oggia in the face. She runs to the other and montains them to follow her. Evie picks up Mal and carries her with them.

"Frying pans who knew" Jay said.


NOTE: sorry if this chapter is short again but I'm sick and I'm not feeling so well. There was suspposed to be more but I had to stop here. Hopefully I'll make the next chapter longer.

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