Descendants 3 review part 1

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Note: Okay so me and my couisn have alot to talk about with Descendents 3. There are stuff we liked and they are stuff we didn't like. Also so this review Haley wrote her thoughts and I wrote mine. So it'll be structured as this for this review.



Okay let's get started.


Descendents 3 for the most part was soild. The story in the beginning  felt an little rushed but it does hit the story elments in the story and plot. It was very good movie and it felt like it had an bigger budget than the first and 2nd movie. Like the some of the sets especially Hade's lair was so cool looking. As Haley said it looked like something from lord of the rings. Dr. Facilier's lair looked like an canavial so I really like it. Although the CGI still looks bad. Like Mal's dragon still looks bad and even with the Knights. (I saw behind the scenes  that they where people in costumes but I think they still used CGI) The only good part with he CGI was Hade's hair on fire and for the most part Uma's Tentcals. I don't think old Mal was CGI I think it was make up and pratical effects. I think beats Ben was partical too however I'm not to sure. 

Haley: I'm glad they showed more VK parents in this movie becuse last movie we didn't see any. We only heard Ursal and Lady Termaine.  This time we see Smee, Dr. Facilier, Hades (More on him later) and Lady Termaine (who's the grandma so we don't see Dirzzla at all). Which were proably the most decent out all the Vk parents in this series. Like there's no stupid banner between them and they act like themselves compared to the first movie. Lady Termaine was probably our favorite out of all them for the fact that our Mama (Our Grandma) was for the most part kinda of how like this Lady Termaine. No she never made us sweep the floors.

Me: Let us explain. When Lady Termaine is asking Dizzy if she has everything she says yes and Grandma says oh really and gives her glue gun knowing Dizzy couldn't go anywhere with out it. I relate to this becuse something similar happen to me and my mama. So it was relatable.

Haley : So the strongest part was obviously the songs but not alot feel like they topped Descendents 2 ways to be wicked, What's my name and it's going down. I feel like Descendents 2 songs tops the first movie. Alot of theses songs from D3 dosen't seem meroable or anyone doing covers on. The only song that people might do cover on is Good to bed. Becauses let's be honest Ways to be wicked had topped Rotten core. And none of these songs topped our favorite  song It's going down.

Me: Expect for one. Do what you gotta do by Hades. This song is amazing. Hades was just amazing singer and he's just so funny in the song. Cheyenne Jackson is no James Woods but he's very well acted in this movie. And yeah his outfit grew on me. But here's the problem, Hades was hardly in this film when he and Dr. Facilier where heavily advertise to be big players in this film. Hades should of been the main villain because and been and driving force for Mal. Which brings us to the worst part of D3, Aurdey.

Aurdey is the worst part of the film. Just the way they handled her in this was just bad. The way she became evil was way to priticatable. Like I knew they would of gone this way but I thought she should of been an underling to Hades since he would be pulling the strings. She shouldn't of been the main villain it should of been Hades. I don't know if the septer was calling her to the dark side but it felt like she was willing to destory Araundon which she admits. And they just forgave her when they shouldn't of have. I thought making Aurdey an villain would make more toarable as an character but I was wrong.

Haley :  Chad is no better but he's not in the film alot so it's an plus side.

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