Ch.25 trying to blend in an Auradon party

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CJ felt out of place to say the very least. She's never been to something so fancy. She didn't look like she belong here or that's what CJ told her self. She was well disguises but it just felt like she was hiding who she really was. She is an pirate and a girl from the Isle, she wasn't an goody two shoes or an hero. CJ wondered if some of her fellow VK felt out of place just like she was. Like she doesn't belong. Even if CJ had ever accept that letter from Mal, she would still feel out place or feel the need for constant adventure

As Harriet always says "You can't tam your adventure within"

However Mal was the reason why CJ was here, She needed help to defeat Yung in order to get her home back, to regain her tuff to be in charge of the Isle.

CJ inhaled deeply as AKs past her, giving her warm smiles. Chase looks at her as Dizzy holds his hands.

"Hey you look like them, there's no need to worry" Chase whispers.

"Yeah I gusse your right, man if Harry could see me now" CJ mutters as they enter an ballroom filled with teenagers. Chase could see a lot of VK's

Chase and CJ looked at each other.

"Mal can be anywhere !" Chase said.

"She's proably in there" Dizzy said.

"Maybe it's best to split up" Chase said looking at CJ and the smee twins.

"I'll take the twins and go left while, you go right with Dizzy" CJ said.

Chase nods at they go thire separate ways.

As CJ walks around the ballroom the smee twins run to a table filled with Pastrys. The boys started to stuff thire faces with taste food.

"Lads where your manors ?" CJ asks them as she takes them away from the table.

But then CJ grabs an pastry and eats it. Then she grabs two more Pastrys and walks away.

CJ starts to notice the dirty looks from people. But not from AKs from the VKS. Some VKS gave glares and dirty looks. They knew CJ was one of them and dressing like an AK was an insult to them. If Harriet saw her dressed like this, she would not be happy.

CJ bumps shoulders with one Vk.

"Don't fool yourself little pirate girl, your one of us" The Vk whispers darkly.

CJ shutters as she pushes along, holding the smee twins hands.

"I am one of you. I just gotta find Mal" CJ thought.

CJ notices an boy wearing green smiling at her. Ch gives an disgusted look because he wore green and CJ hated that color. CJ carried in though the gym.


"Evie I don't think we should carry on to find my dad, not with my mom pocessing Audrey and Oogia after Uma" Mal said as she looks at evie.

Currently the VK'S set up cap where currently eating around an camp fire. Uma was sitting an tree not bothering to eat, she just watches the other, her legs curled up near her legs as Harry is next to her, giving her some comfort. Mal gives her an sad look.

"Mal..." Evie began.

"I don't know what to do E" Mal admits as she slumps her shoulders.

"Don't give up on serching your father, yes thire obstacles but will get though them" Evie said as she puts an comforting hand on her shoulder.

"But what about Uma ? We don't know why Oggia, my mom and Yung want with her" Mal asks as she looks at Uma.

"Once we find your dad, will bring her back to Arudon, give her a place where she feels safe" Evie said.

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