Ch.30 The daughter of Tinkerbell

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"She's the daughter of Tinkerbell ?" Ben asks in pure disbelief.

Everyone in the room stares at CJ in shock. CJ's mom was an hero but she wasn't an perfect hero as some may not not know not even CJ herself didn't know. Tinkerbell always got jelouse and was an very decitful. Her jelousey of Wendy Darling got the best of her that she had the lost boys try to shot down Wendy and felt no remorse for it. As the story goes Peter pan had exiled Tinkerbell which caused her to rant out Wendy to Hook. But there was more to that story that only Tinkerbell, Hook and Pan himself know.

Chase looks at CJ. He remembered back on the Isle alot of rumors about CJ'S mom and the possibility that she was from Auradon but banished to the isle like everyone else there. Then there was the fact CJ didn't even talk about her mother or invite him or her friends to her mom's house. Every time Chase would suggest going to her mom's house to hang out, CJ would change the subject on an dime.

Was it possible that this entire time CJ and her family knew she was the daughter of Tinkerbell and never told anyone ?

It might explained why Harry is so overprotective of her and why Harriet is so hard on her trying to make her grow up. But It differently makes everything clear why Captain Hook hates her.

Chase watches CJ shifts uncomfortably as everyone just stares at her. Her face blushing and she even looked ashamed. Years of trying to keep her family secret was gone. Now some AKs and even her best friend knew her secert.

"Take an picture it'll last longer" CJ mutters uncomfortably.

"Yep differently like her mother" Fairly god mother said. "Not only she looks like Tinkerbell, she's inherit her attuide" Fairly god mother said.

"Look lady my mom isn't Tinkerbell ! Do I like look like I have wings !" CJ snares at her trying to denie it.

Fairly godmother gives her an glare.

"She's right her dad is Captain Hook" Squkey cheers.

CJ'S eyes widen. She didn't want Ben to know Harry was her bother. He did hold the king of Aroundon hostage just to get to Mal. Every since she was younger many rival VK'S always blamed CJ for something Harry did to them or they would go after her to get back at Harry.

'Squkey !" CJ scowlds.

"Wait Harry has an Sister ?" Ben asks.

CJ's heart Sank. Ben was going to blame her for what Harry did. She wasn't even there when he Harry held the king hostage ! You wanna know where she was ? She was having an movie night with her friends. She had nothing to do with that plan !

Harry was one of the reasons she was bullied by older kids who hated her brother. She always manged to trick them by luring them into Ursula ' s fish and chip shop so Uma could beat them up becuse Uma always looked out for CJ in the rough parts of Isle. but it was always an issue because of how unperticled Harry could be sometimes and his enemies would go after CJ just to hurt him.

CJ sinks to her legs.

"Please what Harry did I had nothing to do with. don't blame me for his action" CJ begs, her voice shacky.

Ben face softens. she was just an kid who's been though alot the past few days. Chase places an comforting hand on her shoulder. Helping her to her feet.

"It's okay. I won't punish you becuse of what your bother did, You will never be held responsibility for your brother's actions" Ben said trying to comfort CJ to make her feel better.

CJ takes an breath as Chase helps her stand up.

"What's your name ?"

"CJ" She replied.

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