Chapter 4: Encounter III

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"Give Minyeol back"



"Just no and no, sit down comfortably Tae tae. He doesn't want you"

"Park Jimin.." Taehyung stomped a little with a slight pout tailing Jimin who appeared to whisper something in little Minyeol's ears.

Yeoul blinked in confusion but she managed to raise her hand as if she was asking permission from a teacher "Mmmm..That is my son that you are fighting for" she joked earning light chuckles from the members.

"Noona..These hyungs can be childish I apologize" Jungkook flashed his handsome smile while giving a light caress on Yeoul's head. A faint blush spread on her cheeks and she quickly lowered her face to ensure no one see her crimson red cheeks.

Jin rolled his eyes " Seriously Kookie, you are not allowed to flirt someone's wife" he shook his head. Jungkook flustered acknowledging his mistake however Yeoul was quick to mouth "it is okay" before he apologized and feeling bad over that.

Yeoul decided to move the albums from Jungkook's hand to the next person, she felt bad for holding up the line even though there were only two fans left behind her. After she had a light chatter with Jin mostly about Minyeol he moved to Taehyung and Jimin who were still fighting over Minyeol.

'At least, Minyeol knows how is it like to be closed to his own father' Yeoul smiled inwardly. She almost forgotten the guy in front of her was the man that he used to love until Jimin froze in his spot not moving any inch while they exchanged look.

'Na Yeoul...' deep down inside he really wanted to pull the girl into a tight hug. He was missing her so badly and he never stopped thinking about her. Taehyung took the cue to take Minyeol off from Jimin's lap and played with the kid by himself.

Averting her gaze, Yeoul cleared her throat as she awkwardly rubbed her back neck "How have you been" his voice was low. He didn't want to drive any unnecessary attentions and worst questions from fans, no matter how curious he was.

"I am fine..Thank you. You look good... mmm Minnie" Yeoul felt like burying herself deep in the ocean for sounding too friendly. Jimin bit his lower lips holding back his smile upon hearing the nickname that she used to call him back then.

Jimin smiled "So..are you married?" he wished she said no though it was her right to actually get someone better in life after their failed relationship. But judging from Minyeol's age, wouldn't he be too old to be one if she just got married few years ago. Questions after questions left unanswered, he refrained himself from asking one. There were eyes and ears everywhere, he couldn't risk it.

It took her few seconds to find a perfect answer and she finally broke the silence "I..guess so.." Jimin raised his eyebrows with a baffle look. It was not the answer that she expected from Yeoul. He wondered what actually happened to her.

"Mommy..This weird hyung is actually nice but I like pinkie hyung better" Minyeol grinned. He slid down from Taehyung's lap and went to give Jimin a bear hug. Everyone awed in amusement seeing how overly attached the boy was with Jimin.

"Why is everyone leaving me" Taehyung let out a fake sob while giving his full attention on the girl in front of him venting his so called frustration after being rejected by a five years old kid.

"He is your biggest fan Jimin" Yeoul nodded with a genuine smile. She cursed in her head not to cry or even showing a sign that she was about to cry, it would be so screwed up if anyone noticed that. Her posture remained cool though her heart was making so much noise inside, as if it was about to explode.

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