Chapter 7: The right moment

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Less than 3 hours. That was all left.

Anxiety, fear, excitement and you named it, Jimin couldn't wait until this plane landed safely in their home country. The first thing that he would do was to call Yeoul. Even though it had been week since Minyeol's incident, he was determined to get the answers once Bangtan's first phase of Wings Tour ended.

Jungkook was sitting quietly Jimin who seemed engross in his own thought. He was contemplating whether to ask him about Minyeol but due to time constraints he had forgotten about it during their tour. Since they were heading back to Korea, the curiosity came rushing in again.

How should he start this conversation? He feared it would ruin Jimin's mood. Jimin was already solemn before they took off few hours ago, now was it the right move to ask him now?

Jimin noticed someone was actually staring at him causing his eyes to shot open penetrating straight into the younger boy's eyes "Anything you want to say to me?" Jungkook flustered and sheepishly rubbed his back neck.

"Mmm..hyung, I thought you were asleep" he replied in a mumble.

"I am sure you have something else to say. You have been staring at me for hours" Jimin raised his brows in amusement. What was in the golden maknae's mind? He did not expect anything outrageous came out from him but being Jungkook, that kid was unpredictable.

Jungkook glanced around making sure his hyungs were fast asleep or at least distracted so they could not hear what he was about to say. Watching the younger boy acting all cautious with his surrounding made Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

He eyed Jungkook waiting for his replied "Why Minyeol called you 'dad'?" Jimin froze in his seat didn't know how to react. Where on earth did this kid hear such thing? He didn't remember telling anyone about the conversation he had over the phone with Yeoul weeks ago, not even Hoseok.

Jimin however tried to maintain his expression and coughed his not so dry throat "I don't understand what you are trying to say Kkuk" he averted his gaze from Jungkook fiery eyes. He was prying a definite answer from him.

"I overheard your conversation in the washroom that other day, you were asking someone.. 'Why Minyeol called you dad'.. have a son?" he tilted his head in curiosity hoping for an answer from Jimin. Even so, Jimin did not have the answer with him. He had not talked to Yeoul ever since then, most likely he was still angry and confused. It was too sudden for his brain to digest.

"Jungkook-ah...Just forget what you heard, it was a mistake" Jimin sighed heavily, running his hand in his brown hair. He hoped Jungkook would stop questioning him or the problems could be bigger than it already was.

"Hyung... you can trust me. I am sure what I heard that day, you were talking about that kid who came to our fansign right? Minyeol.. I remembered he was with a young lady...Is it her...your ex girl friend?" he bravely asked Jimin who seemed baffled at Jungkook's sudden attack.

How on earth Jungkook could be this sharp? Absurd.

Indeed, he had nowhere to run now,. Jungkook was cornering him with assumptions but he fell for it. Jimin let out a small grunt with a nod. The younger boy gasped since he didn't expect his empty words would be right. It was a mere assumptions nothing more.

"Wo...w..It really is her?" his nose scrunched up cutely while gathering his thoughts.

Jimin muttered "Don't speak this to anyone..what you heard that day..I have no idea if it was the truth. I haven't talked to her since then" he noticed the younger boy had a disbelief look plastered on his face.

"And you endure it alone all this time? How could you? You should have told me.. or Hoseok hyung or Tae hyung at least" he protested in disagreement.

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