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[Before we begin this I would like to say this is kind of like a filler chapter but at the same time not? I haven't finished the next chapter yet.This was meant to go out on Jungkook's birthday but my internet and life said no no no no. So anyways for the next chapter I'm not sure when I'll get it down let's hope tomorrow though.]

First Year of high school:

Jungkook p.o.v

I sighed as I looked at my alarm clock. It was a few minutes until my alarm would normally go off. My face became suspicious of why I would wake up earlier. Beep beep beep beep. The sound went off and I drag myself out of bed and got ready for the day.

Once I finished getting ready I hear my mother singing. "Jungkookie I made you pancakes for your special day~" Which made me confused. There is nothing special today? Nevertheless I went to the table. My mom gave me a big kiss on my cheek. "Happy Birthday sweet heart! I love you!" She says with excitement. I internally slap myself, how could I forget my own birthday. A lot of things have been  happening lately so I guess it could've been it. Though I appreciate my mom's gesture.

"I have to go sweetie your present is on the counter and don't forget you're babysitting (Y/n) today." My mom said before she left for work. "Ok mom I love you!" I try to say before she closed the door. The pancakes and I are left alone. Sometimes I wish my mom was home more often. She's been working at a idol company by being a producer and making groups and all that jazz. I look at my untouched pancakes and eat them quickly and get seconds before I open my present.

I unwrapped the paper and I see a book. But it wasn't a regular book it was a scrapbook full of pictures with me and my friends. I flip through the pages looking at all the pictures. It was such a simple gift but it made my heart do flips of happiness. My school day went by quickly with everyone with wishing me happy birthday. Though my favorite part so far is when my best friend Taehyung gave me some cupcakes he made for me. They tasted so good!

The time finally came when me and Taehyung had to do our babysitting. You might be wondering why am I doing this instead of enjoying my birthday like having a party or something. Well it's because I usually do that the next day, and I don't mind babysitting.

I knock on the door and greeted by (Y/n)'s mom "Hi Jungkook! Happy Birthday by the way.". I nod and say thank you. "(Y/n) is on the couch. Taehyung also informed he would be running a little late so your by yourself for a while." She told me. "You know the drill my contact information is on the fridge and all the other stuff." Star or should I call her by her real name... Mirae said. I went inside and (y/n) is writing stuff on a notebook she has. When she looks up she jumps off the couch and runs to a different room. "(Y/n)! Where you going?" I ask in confusion. She walks back with a gift. "Jungkook I got you a gift for your birthday!" (Y/n) ran to me with the biggest smile.

I wanted to cry it was so cute. Jeez she's only in fourth grade but I'm not ready for her to become older. Then I started thinking when she is my age I will be in college. Ugh I already feel old...

(Y/n) put the present in my hands and I opened it to see Iron Man action figure and a hand drawn card. The card read:

Dear Jungkook,

You are the older brother I wish I had and I hope you have a good birthday. Thank you for always taking care of me with Taehyungie.

-Love (Y/N)

It included a hand drawn picture of me. And it is pretty good not surprisingly since she spends all her time drawing.

I give (Y/n) a big hug and thank you. Then the door opens with Taehyung. Something's different about him... I look at his hair and it's all died blonde completely different than what I saw his hair color hours ago. "Taehyung what happened to your black hair?" I ask. "Jinyoung said blonde hair would look cooler on me." He said bluntly. "Why have you've been caring about his opinion so much lately?" I question him about it. "None of your business that's why." He said angry.

A stern voice then joined us "Taehyung be nice! It's Kookie's birthday!" We look to see (Y/n) making an angry face at Taehyung. He looked at her and sighed "I'm sorry." "To Jungkook not me." (Y/n) said. Taehyung to turn to me and hugged me "I'm sorry." He apologized. I pat his back and say "It's ok." And to be honest I wasn't angry I didn't think I wasn't that big of a deal but Taehyung has been having weird mood swings lately.

After a while of us watching Tv (Y/n) jumps up and says "We need to sing happy birthday!" Me and Taehyung look at each other confused. She runs to the kitchen with a small cake with a few slices taken out. "This is actually left over cake but it will do." She says. Then she runs back to get some candles. "Well guess we got to." Taehyung says to (Y/n). He sticks the candles in and lights them. Then he turns off the lights.

"Happy Birthday to You~ Happy Birthday to You~ Happy Birthday Dear Jungkook~ Happy Birthday to You!"

I blow out the candles. And I say my wish in my head "I hope there is more happy times like this." Taehyung and (Y/N) cheered.

"Thanks..." I said a little shyly. "You guys made my birthday great." I smile.

Then someone knocked on the door. I sneak around to the window to see who's outside. "Yoongi?" I open the door. "Yeah Mirae said she's staying over at her boyfriend's house and sent me over to look after (Y/n). She didn't want you guys staying over too long." Yoongi explains. I nod my head. "Ok well I we're going to eat some cake before we leave." Taehyung tells Yoongi and I nod in agreement. "Hi Yoongles!!" (Y/n) says happily with cake stuffed in her mouth. Wow hasn't she heard of the birthday person gets the first bite?

"Hi!" He shows his gummy smile to her. "Where's my mom? She said she'll be back by this time." (Y/n) says pointing at the clock. "You're mom is staying over at her boyfriend's house." Yoongi tells her. She looks down "Why can't she come home one night? She's rarely home..." (Y/n) says with disappointment. Taehyung pats he in the back "It's ok you always have us." He try's to make her feel better.


The next day I had a small party with my friends. Nothing big but we did random stuff like truth or dare. My mom took another picture to add to her scrapbook.

 We took this at the beach where we were usually stay during the summer, but since it's only a one hour drive there, we hung out at the beach for my party

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We took this at the beach where we were usually stay during the summer, but since it's only a one hour drive there, we hung out at the beach for my party.

A/n: Thanks for your patience guys 💛 I recently started a new school and it has taken me a while to adjust. But I'm on top of everything now so I'll start updating more :). Anyways thank you for reading

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