17 🛅

250 7 1

My phone buzzes from a notification.

One Message from Jinhyun ☪️

Jinhyun  Are you going to the lantern thingy tonight?

Me Yeah :)

Jinhyun Ok maybe I can talk to you for a minute there?

Me Sure

I don't reply with much enthusiasm while texting Jinhyun, I'm too involved in munching on the food I'm eating. "What color were you thinking of dying your hair?" I ask Jimin.

"I'm not sure, probably a color that will make me feel new, how about purple?" Jimin eyes lights up.

"Woah you're getting a new hair color Jimin?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes I want a fresh start!" Jimin replies.

"You would look good in purple. Especially since it's my favorite color~" Taehyung comments.

We all start laughing and talking. Until the time finally arrives for the lanterns. The four of us get in line for the entrance. "They don't usually have this stuff in the city." I say to myself. To be honest this whole experience has been wild...

I stare off into the view of the ocean. Watching as it sways, commanding the orders of the moon that's controlling it. The sound relaxes me to a point where I lose the sense of my surroundings.

I just take it in until I hear Jungkook's voice drawing myself back into the present. "Come on we're almost next in line?" He calls me. I start to walk with them but in the corner of my eye some familiar figures catch my attention.

Is that Jinhyun? And if my memory serves me right the boys he is with we're the seven boys who were in that "gang". I look and continue walking? Maybe I'm seeing things?

We get to the ending of the line where we pay for the entrance and a lantern if we chose to.

Once all that we finally made it in. There was food stands, games, and something like a playground. I looked around but my stomachache starts to rumble calling for food.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask the three boys behind me. They all look at each other and agree. "Let's see what there's to eat," Taehyung looked at us then started walking to all the stands.

So many options, but Jimin got an excited over... Chicken feet?

The four of us walked over and a girl with a name tag that says "Hello I'm: Nayeon" on it. "May it take your order?" She says happily.

Jimin eyes light up looking at the window. "I'll have chicken feet, some French fries, hm a strawberry smoothie..." he starts to order more food.

Taehyung and Jungkook make I contact with me. "Are you going to pay for all of that?" Jungkook asks me.  "I- does it look like I have money?" I pull out everything in my pocket. Nothing but a phone which vibrates with a notification.

It was a text from Jinhyun. He texts me to ask if I could go to the play ground that's here. "Um going to play ground real quick." I tell Taehyung. "Ok, you may be a baby compared to us but you're a giant next to those slides." Taehyung waves me off. I roll my eyes and start walking I hear "Don't get lost! Come back right away!" in the distance. He sounds like a dad when he says that...

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