22 🙈

196 6 0


Intermission over
Thanks for waiting

The best feeling is being waken up by someone shaking you. "Wake up! Oh my gosh! (Y/n)!" I slowly open my eyes to see my roommate. "Minnie?" I ask. She nods her head, "You need to wake up early."

"Exams?" I ask nervously. Minnie nods. I get up and walk to the shower. Today is exams, our company does this regularly. On this occasion though... there's a rumor that they're planning to debuting a new girl group. So I have to do spectacular to even get considered!

After getting washed up and dressed I look for my brush to do my hair. It just so happens that it's in front of Minnie's... Jungkook poster. She's been obsess with him.

It warms my heart though, after our trip a couple of years ago he landed a big role in a zombie apocalypse movie. So he's been busy as you could say. I wonder how he's doing though, I haven't talked to him since he told me about his role.

The feeling overwhelms me. "Hey (Y/n), you don't want your face to get permanently stuck like that." Minnie tells me.

We both exit and start heading towards the company headquarters.

As we're waiting for traffic my hairs rise up. I look around, is it my imagination? I feel like something is watching me. Minnie whistles, "We're here!". We walk into the building, my mind can't help to wander. Our dorms are across the street. It wouldn't be surprising if someone's stalking. Maybe looking for an idol?

We walk through the hallways when we finally get into the practicing room.

"Girls get in line, we're starting when Mrs.Jung comes." One of dance coaches tells us.

We all nervously wait, but not long after we hear the clicks of her heels. Who is Mrs.Jung, it's our CEO's daughter. She exams us and makes reports.

She enters through the door.

"We're ready."

This about to turn into a few hours of torture.


We've came to the most nerve racking part of exams. A few weeks ago we were put into groups. And together we would sing and dance a song given.

"Come on girls," Minnie tells us before we enter the room.

We line up in front of Mrs.Jung and the other examiners. They right things down on their pages and que us to get ready.

Minnie nods at the sound operator.

The music begins and I start singing. I feel the gazes piercing me. My fake smile almost falters in fear.

"You there, I fancy you. I don't want just anyone. Hey, I love you!" I sing the chorus.

We reach the end of the song and the examiners clap, but can you really tell what their thinking?

Mrs.Jung gets out of her seat. "So let me start with your individual examinations." She takes out her clip board.

"Minnie, you have great dance skills. And your presence is great. Your rapping? Questionable, have you consider just being a backup dancer?" She asks. I look at Minnie and I saw her big smile just flounder. I pat her back.

"Mrs.Yune..." She gets my attention. "You've improved. Yet I'm not sure if it's enough. Your looks can't just carry you." She says.


My looks? I never thought it was carrying me.

"You know your mom. She improved so much in less than a month she got added into a girl group. But you..." Mrs.Jung bit her lip.

I hold back my sigh. She tells the other girls their results and tells us our group results. "You guys are very energizing in the beginning. But you begin to loose your touch in the middle. I'm not sure if your vocals," She side eyes me.

"Or you guys just get tired." Mrs.Jung finishes.


After exams I throw myself on my bed. And take out my phone.

Me: Hey Tae...

Taehyungie: Whats wrong?

Me: I'm apparently not improving, and everyday it's starting to get more difficult.

Taehyungie: Ugh, my heart! (Y/n) are you sure this the path you want? I mean if it's causing you to stress...

Me: I want to do this but I didn't know it would be this hard! It's been two years! My body hurts :((

Taehyungie: You can't do anything without hard work, but it's not good to overexert your self!

Me: You're right

Taehyungie: Maybe you need a break. I don't know?? Do trainees get time to even breathe?

Me: Rarely

Taehyungie: Well next time you get a day to rest. Tell me and I'll take you somewhere nice :)

Me: Hopefully, but actually Sunday. There having a day where they're having a staff thing. So I might be able to do something for a little, but I have to go back to practicing!

Taehyungie: Then that's a plan hopefully

I put my phone away and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I'm 17 I can't be wasting my life. In a blink of an eye I'll be 18 then what'll be the point of my teenage years? Tears run down my eyes.

I put my toothbrush away and open a guar. I have a stack of pictures of when I was 15. The summer Jungkook, Taehyung and I went on a summer vacation. "Next summer" I whisper to myself.

It hurts, I'm in contact with everyone but Jungkook. I can't believe I haven't talked to him.

Thinking about the past isn't going to do me much of a favor. Only look foward.

I open my phone and my finger lightly goes on Jungkook's name in my contacts. I contemplate taking the plunge and trying to talk to him again. No... I shouldn't. I quickly put my phone away and go to get some sleep.


A/n: Wonder who's looking around 👀

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