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48,49,50 I DID IT! I sigh in relief as I finish my daily morning abs work out. Feeling good I put on a fresh set of clothes. I set up plans to meet Taehyung at a restaurant for lunch.

I leave the dorms but it gives me anxiety that I'm not practicing. It's a nice breather to do something else then exercising, singing, dancing. Trust me it's my life but it's exhausting at times.

I'm crossing the street again when I get that feeling. This time I decide to turn around.

Something moves quickly.


I start walking a little faster. That's kind of weird. I shake it off and keep walking. The restaurant is in walking distance so I'm lucky. Downside, I keep seeing posters for Jungkook's new romcom. Good for him, but still can't help but feel bitter.

I enter the restaurant. Not only do I see Taehyung, I see Hoseok too. "Hi guys!" I smile. Hoseok face morphs displeased. "Why is your voice so hoarse?" He asks. "I've been practicing singing. Ever since Mrs.Jung told me I haven't improved I've been trying even harder." I take a seat.

"Anyways-" I cleared my throat. "So whats brings you here?" I ask Hoseok. "Well Taehyung brought me here since I thought since I might be able to talk to you. About mental health. I'm not a professional, though you know I'm like going to college for it. Almost done with school, graduating..." He says, but he keeps explaining himself. "It's ok Hoseok I understand. I think I'm fine, it's just stress." I smile.

Taehyung's eyes sadden. "That's not what your face looks like. And the past few years you lost weight. You're so skinny it scares me." He tells me. "I promise I'm fine." I say.

Hoseok shakes his head. "We're not trying to make you feel bad (Y/n) we're just worried. You used to be full of life. Now you look sick, and-"

"I'm fine!" I snap.

Hoseok gets taken aback a little.

Why did I do that? My stomach drops in guilt. "Oh Hoseok, I'm sorry." I take his hands into mind. "It's fine (Y/n)." He replies.

"You know maybe let's take a look at the menu." Taehyung passes out the menus. "Yeah," I agree. I take a look and before I know it the waiter comes. We all order our drinks and food.

"It'll be right up." She smiles.

"Have you heard from Jungkook?" I ask the boys. They shake their head. "Doesn't he care about your relationship at all?" I blurt out. Taehyung shrugs, "He does, he's just busy."

"Taehyung, if you can make some time with your busy career. I'm sure he can too." I tell him. "Well being a model takes less time then being a full on actor." Taehyung sighs.

"But we barely see him let alone talk to him. Taehyung is your guys' relationship even a relationship considering how much you guys see eachother?" Hoseok chimes in.

Taehyung's eyes start watering. Hoseok and I make eye contact. Hoseok pats Taehyung's back. "How's Yoongi?" I change the subject.

"Still on tour." He looks down. "He'll be back soon." I console Hoseok.

Yoongi, pursued his career of being a hair stylist. He landed a job with a boy group, and he's on tour with them as staff.

"You must be lonely around the house." Taehyung asks Hoseok. "Yeah but Jimin visits me." Hoseok says. Taehyung tsks, "Don't be starting whatever love thing you guys had."

Hoseok shakes his head. "It's not like that! He's starting to date his ex Hyungwon." Taehyung shakes his head in disappointment. "For a science guy he isn't that smart about relationships."

"It could be cute" I comment. Truthfully I'm not sure who Hyungwon is...


After eating we said our goodbyes. I was the last one to head out, but I'm greeted with a surprise.

"I KNEW IT!" A voice yells for my attention. I turn and see a familiar silhouette. "Jin-" I can only murmur our his name before he angrily walks over to me. "So you've been eating at other restaurants besides mine?" He dramatically cries.

I walk up to him, I stand a little proud. I'm now as tall as Jin's shoulders. "Well Jin you know I don't have the time to walk all the way over there!" I tell him.

Jin finally lets his angry face fall. "I know, I'm joking with you. I promise I wasn't stalking I just happened to pass by." He gives me a hug. I hug him back. "It's been a fat minute. We still down to play Mario kart." I ask Jin.

"Always down. Just come on down when you can. How's trainee life, is it hard?" He questions. "Horribly hard. But I already dedicated so much time into it." I purse my lips.

"You know, my dad has worked in the business for years even before we were born. He's seen young hopefuls never get to the point of debut." He rubs my shoulder.

"That's very encouraging." I roll my eyes. "I'm serious. You wasted most of your teenage years. I know you don't want to hear this, but didn't a while ago your dad come to try to get you to go to America? Maybe you can make something of your life that way. Even though I believe in you, it's tough seeing you like this."

Like this? Do I really look that bad? My chest hurts when I hear Jin's advice. "That is tough. Well it's nice to see you Jin. I'll text you later?" I say goodbye.

"Later." He smiles.

We part adieus, and I start walking back to my dorm. When something grabs me. Before I can even process everything goes black.


A/N: I was rereading the story, CRINGE. Omg thank you guys for reading. I kind of want to reread write some parts again. Also I realized some details didn't match up with what I written later. And I wish I incorporated more of the character description into the actual story. I'm going to start doing that more now, but if I do rewrite some parts I'll probably won't do that. I don't want to rewrite the story. But rewrite the parts to actually make sense with the story. But anyways I'll publish the third chapter hopefully today or tomorrow. I've been "grinding" trying to get it done but I don't want to make you guys wait too long :(.

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