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It's been a day since the lanterns, and that means it's the day to go home. I sighed as I looked in the mirror, well this summer was interesting... Nice to know there is gang after me (🤡). Other than I enjoyed it but it's bittersweet after this I won't see the boys for a while.

I walk out of the bathroom and see our suitcases all lined up. Taehyung and Jungkook...? Where did they go? Muffled arguing answered my question. I follow the noise and stick my ear to the door. "What if it's a scam? I mean it's not the first time someone came up to us and promised something more." Taehyung sighs.

"I just have a gut feeling, ok just trust me. If this turns out to be another scam then you don't have to trust me again." Jungkook says back. There was a moment of silence. "Fine," Is all Taehyung says. They start walking towards the door and I run back to couch trying not to slip.

Jungkook walks up to me and pats me on the back, "This has been an interesting summer, honestly." Taehyung nods his head in agreement.

"Maybe it's because I haven't seen since you were younger but I didn't know you were so wise with this 'dating' stuff." He says.

"No not really if I'm being honest I'm 15 too young to actually know. I just go with my gut feeling that's all." I shake my head.

We grab our suitcases and start heading towards the car. One last look before I put my things in the trunk of the car. This has been fun but it's also been like watching a soap opera. Seriously so much has happened in the span of two much with those boys love lives.

"I'm going to miss you," Taehyung looks back at me. "Same here... don't forget me when you get back in school! You'll be busy but a nice 'hi' once in a while is fine..." I say. To be honest I'm sad. I had a lot of fun. I mean it can't be endless summer like Phineas and Ferb. Jungkook starts the car and the vehicle begins. I stare at the window and see my reflection.

The nice pretty ocean view. I hope I will soon see it again.

My eyes easily drool asleep,


"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up we're at you're house!" The voices yell at me.

So soon? I'm kind of sad I slept through the car ride. One last sigh then I get out of the car. Taehyung opens the trunk and I grab my suitcase.

"I'm going to miss you guys! You guys are like parent brothers... yeah... that makes sense?" I say unsure. The boys nod and I give them individually a nice tight hug.

I finally start walking and take one last look. "Next summer?" Jungkook says.

"Next summer." I respond and continue my walk towards the door without looking back.


My hand falls on the door knob. There's talking, my mom, and Yoongi? Also a voice that sounds strangely familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Nonetheless I open it.

"That's never going to happen! Not in this lifetime, and never in another." My mom says sharply. Yoongi is messaging my moms shoulders as he also glares.

"Well... we can certainly can work that out in any lifetime." The other voice says.

Who are they talking to? I finally lay sight on the man. A strong presence, he has black hair, wearing a dress shirt and slacks. I haven't seen his face, but I know he's older than my mom. Judging by his skin he looks younger than he is though. Though there's something eerie about him that makes me have goosebumps.

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