Chapter 22 - What we fear the most

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Chapter 22 - What we fear the most

It's been a month since they launched their new product and Olena's team was due for a post-market review.

They were scheduled to present their report to the President by 2pm and Olena was going over it with Axel and Rachel for a final check before they head to the President's office.

Axel was going to lead the presentation and Rachel will be supporting him as part of their training.

"Is there any area you think we'll have difficulty with?" Olena asked them both.

Rachel hesitated then looked to Axel for confirmation.

"Go ahead," Olena nodded at her encouragingly.

"I just heard that Mr. Sanders is thinking of throwing a party to celebrate the launch since it's been doing so well."

"Really? But that's good news, right? He's happy with the results."

Axel cleared his throat and spoke for Rachel.

"We also heard that since we were the leads in the project, the preparations for the party will be handed to us too."

"But we're already loaded, I'm not confident we can handle one more. And I'm sure they'll expect something grand since it's a milestone."

Olena thought about it quietly, then crossed her arms as she addressed her team.

"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's hear what Jason has to say first. Maybe it's just a rumor," she told them then stood up.

"If that's all, let's go talk to Jason."

As Axel and Rachel wrapped up their presentation, and Olena felt proud of the way they handled all the hard questions from the boss.

Jason may look tame and uninterested on the outside, but he had a laser sharp brain that quickly zeroes in on the imporant details. People who make the mistake of taking him at face value usually find themselves at the losing end of the table.

"So Lena, I'm sure you've heard by now," Jason said as the report ended. "I'm thinking of throwing a celebratory party."

"I did," Olena confirmed. "And you wanted to time it with the company's anniversary in two months, right?"

"Yes, and I'd like your team to be on top of it as well, since you were the ones who were involved in the beginning."

Axel looked at her and Olena smiled at him reassuringly.

"Thank you for trusting my team with this, Jason. We just have a few scheduling concerns since we are also handling a couple of major projects right now."

"Don't worry about that," Jason replied, looking at all three of them. "I have made arrangements for the fashion project to be handed to another team."

"Okay, that's great. I think we can work with that timeline. Axel, Rachel, what do you think?"

"Honestly, it will be really challenging with the two month deadline. But I guess if we just pick the suppliers we already know, we can make it work," Axel replied and Rachel nodded her agreement.

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