Chapter 36 - Two sides to a story

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Chapter 36 - Two sides to a story

"Mom," he greeted her as soon as he arrived in the emergency room. "Any update from the doctors?"

"They are still waiting for the initial test results before they can transfer him to a room."

"What happened anyway? And why did they call you? You've been divorced for years!"

"I'm still his emergency contact, honey. I know you're mad at your dad... And that's really my fault. There's something you and your sister have to know..."

Patrick frowned at his mother's mysterious statement.

"What are you talking about? How is that your fault? He's the one who couldn't keep his pants on!"

"You don't know the whole story, Pax. That's also my fault, I asked your father not to tell. I was scared of being judged... But believe me when I say that your father is a good man, and it breaks my heart to see him like this."

"What are you saying, mom? Can you speak in english because I don't understand anything."

"Later... Let's talk later. Your sister should be here soon, I'd better talk to both of you together."

He didn't like to wait, patience was not really one of his strong points, but Patrick clamped down on his questions running through his head. His mom was already stressed from the situation, he didn't want to make it worse.

"Fine. Where's Paula anyway?"

"She was also in the office when I called. She's probably on her way as well."

"Let me check on her. You take a seat and relax, mom. We don't want you to collapse from exhaustion, one patient is enough."

Patrick took out his phone from his pocket and dialled his sister's number. Paula was only two years younger than him, but he couldn't help treating her like a baby sometimes. They have been close since they were young, and he has always been protective of her.

"Yes?" The voice sounded distant, as if she were on speakerphone.

"Pau, are you on your way to the hospital? I'm here with mom."

"Yes, I'm driving over. But I got stuck in traffic outside the office but I'm already in the area. Be there in five."

"Okay, good. Drive safely. See you, we're still in the ER by the way."

"Got it. Bye!"

As Patrick walked back to where his mom was sitting, he saw doctors just about to leave and he hurried over.

"Mom. So what did the doctors say?"

"Thank god there's nothing serious. They said it's probably over fatigue, and his blood pressure was also quite high, that's why he collapsed. He needs to take it easy for a while. They're moving him to a private room now."

"That's good. Don't worrry too much mom. He's going to be okay now."

His mom nodded and smiled gratefully.

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