Chapter 2

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We walked out of the school. Everyone was afraid of what their parents would say. I think we all had mixed feelings about this. Anger, worry, fear.
As I watched all of my detention buddies walk over to their parents with lowered heads, I searched for mine in the crowd. I was probably the one who was the most scared. I'd never told my parents about detention because I was the good girl. I was the good girl, with normal grades. I was a good girl with bad luck.
I spotted my dad standing a bit away from the crowd, so I had time to take a deep breath before walking over to him.
"Y/N." he said and looked at me disappointed.
"I should've told you." I said and looked down on my feet.
"I packed everything I've ever seen you wear and use. Call me if I forgot something and I'll make sure it gets to the camp right away." He said, all without looking at me.
"Thanks dad." I said and looked around. "Where's mom?" I asked quietly.
"She's still at work. I'll tell her when she gets home." He said and finally looked at me.
"I'm... I'm really sorry okay dad?" I said and hugged him. He wasn't much of a hugger, but I could feel him wanting to hug me back.
"Make sure you come back as the girl we raised you to be." He said before turning around and walking to his car. As I watched him get inside and driving off, I felt how someone bumped into me.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, even though I wasn't the one who caused the bump.
"No it was my fault." An unfamiliar voice spoke. I turned around to see the boy who always sat in the back of detention. He was wearing a plain white tee, a pair of dark blue khakis shorts and a pair of black Vans. I'd never really noticed how hot he was. His hair was perfectly quiffed and his eyes were slowly reviled as he removed his black Ray-Ban's.
"Here," he said and bend down to pick something up. "I think you dropped this." He handed me my charm, which belonged on my necklace.
"Oh." I said, amazed by his gorgeous eyes.
"Here, I'll help you." He said and reached over for my necklace as he saw I was troubling with my bags. He hooked the charm onto it and then smiled with his perfect teeth.
"Thank you" I said and smiled back at him. He put his glasses back on and then turned around. I watched him take his bags and walk towards the bus, which were here to take us to whatever place we were going. I grabbed my bags and followed the same direction.

Before starting the bus, the bus driver told us about some general stuff. Like, there's a toilet in the middle of the bus, that we need to wear seatbelts at all times and that it's a 5 hour drive.
"5 hours?! As if it wasn't enough to take away our summer." I heard one of the football guys sigh from behind.
"It's like their mission in life is to ruin our lives." Stella said and turned around. Her long dark hair was covering her back. She was wearing a Nirvana t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Stella loves, and I mean loves, every single band there is to love. Every time there's a concert here or just some kind of performance, you can find Stella at the front row. She usually drags me with her, and I really don't mind, because I get to see hot boys from the front row. Like I'm not complaining. I got lost in my thoughts and realized Stella was no longer sitting next to me. I took a look back in the bus and saw her next to James, one of the football guys. They were in the middle of a conversation about which band was the best, Nirvana or the 1975.
I plugged in my headphones and looked out the window. This is bullcrap, I thought. I'm not like them. I'm the good girl, I thought but slowly realized; I'm just like them.

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