Chapter 8

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The next morning, after breakfast, we all gathered at the main cabin. We sat around the big dinner table, all dressed in hoodies and shorts. It was raining outside, so there were changed plans in today’s schedule. Emily had lined up different kinds of games and stuff on the table.
“Does everyone remember who they sat with on the bus here yesterday?” she asked and everyone looked around at each other and nodded. “I want you to pair up in those couples again. You’re gonna compete in different types of games during the whole day.” She said. We changed seats so I ended up next to Cameron. He was sitting up straight in his chair, making him look a couple of heads taller than me. Emily started telling everyone what game they were competing in.
“Stella, Josh. You will be competing in Tennis. On Wii.” She said and looked at them.
“Oh you’re going doooown, baby.” Josh, one of the football guys, said and jumped over to the couch.
“We’ll see ‘bout that honey.” Stella replied challenging and took a Wii controller.
I carefully looked at Cameron. He was laughing at what Stella just said. I could see his eyes shimmer from the lightened candles and his chest moving up and down as he laughed.
“Remember guys,” Emily said which caused me to jump a little bit because I was thrown out of some kind of dream. “It’s a competition. BUT, this is also a place where winners doesn’t exist. Just lucky losers.” She said to Josh and Stella. I felt how my cheeks were red and it didn’t exactly get better when Emily were going to tell us what we were playing, because that’s when he looked at me with his adorable smile and perfect teeth.
“Y/N, Cameron…” Emily began. “Hmm… You guys get to play Monopoly.” She said and smiled.
“Are you for real?” I laughed and sighed at the same time. “Emily that’ll take us forever.”
“Good, because we have all day. Now, buy some streets. Buy some houses. Then freaking buy some hotels for God’s sake. Have fun!” She said and handed Cameron the game.
“Oh come on. It’ll be fun.” He smiled.
“Okay… But I’m warning you. I’m hell of a business woman.” I giggled and followed him to the hallway table. We sat down and removed the lid. To our surprise, there wasn’t a monopoly game inside. In the bottom of the box, there was a little note. I picked it up and looked over at Cameron who just shrugged.
“Read it.” I said. Mostly because I wanted to hear him read but also because I didn’t want to read out loud.
“I’m sharp and skinny. Use me right, and I’ll give you delight. Use me wrong, and you’ll hear the angels’ song. What am I?” He spoke slowly, one sentence at a time.
“It’s a riddle..” I said slowly and gently took the note from Cameron’s hands. I looked down at it and focused on the words.
“I bet the answer’s hidden in the question.” I said. I was so focused on the note, I didn’t even notice Cameron disappeared.
“Cam?” I asked and looked around. I heard the others laughing and shouting from the dining room. I walked  into the kitchen and found Cameron siting by the breakfast table, holding a knife in his hand. Another note was stuck to it.
“Are you done with your search for the answer in the question?” he asked and laughed.
“Just read the damn note, Dallas.” You said annoyed and laughed. 

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