Chapter 20

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I packed my bag without a word to the others. They were down at the jetty and if I was lucky, they wouldn't even notice I left. As I walked down towards the cab waiting on the narrow road, I didn't even feel bad about leaving. I needed time alone. I needed time away from everyone. I needed my family. I threw my bag into the trunk and got into the backseat. I looked out the window before the cab driver drove off. Emily was standing in the main cabin's window and waved goodbye. I smiled, and then we left.

Cameron's p.o.v

I looked up towards the cabins in hope to see Y/N. I thought maybe, just maybe, she'd put it behind and not think about it. Pretend like it never happened. I thought maybe, she'd come down the hill in her cute bikini and join us. But to my surprise, I saw a cab instead.

"Hey, isn't that Y/N?" I asked as I saw her in the cab.

"What is she doing?" I heard Stella's voice from behind. I turned around and looked at her.

"Is she leaving?" I asked and felt how my stomach crawled. She couldn't just leave me. I looked back up towards the cabins. The cab was gone, along with her. Without a word to the others, I ran up towards the main cabin. Water dripping from my trunks and hair, I stepped inside. I saw Emily at the dinner table.

"Where's Y/N going?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

"She's going home Cameron." She said, still with her head in her papers.

"What do you mean, home?" I asked.

"I mean," she said and stood up. "She's going home. To her family."

"Why would she leave without saying goodbye?" I almost shouted annoyed.

"Cameron, give the poor girl some space. She'll be back in a week. I think it's best for you to not think about her for this week. Focus on the reason you're here." Emily said calmly. I couldn't just stop thinking about her. I did something stupid to the girl I loved. How was I supposed to just put that behind me?

Your p.o.v.

I opened the cab door and got out. I put my feet on the asphalt outside our colorful garden. The driver left my bag next to me and next thing I knew he drove off. I picked my bag up and took a deep breath. I hadn't seen my parents since the day I left... I hadn't even talked to them, which left me with no idea how they would react to me coming home. I slowly walked up the driveway and noticed that my mom had planted some new beautiful flowers during the summer. I stepped up on the porch and took yet another deep breath before opening the door into my childhood house.

"Mom?" I said carefully and stepped inside. "Dad?" I closed the door behind me and took a few steps. I put my bag down and continued. I walked into the kitchen as I felt the smell of freshly baked bread. Mom was flipping through a magazine by the kitchen counter. He hair was in a ponytail and her chest was dressed in an apron.

"Mom?" I repeated. She jumped up from her chair in surprise and put her hand to her heart.

"Y/N?" she said shockingly. "What are you doing home already sweetie?" I smiled and walked up to her to embrace her in a hug.

"Long story. I'll tell you all about it." I said quickly and let her go. I sat down by the kitchen table as she took out a loaf of freshly baked bread from the oven.

"Are you hungry? Do you want anything? Have you eaten today?" She said, almost stressed. I laughed at her running around in the kitchen.

"No I'm good. Maybe a glass of water?" I asked and she hurried over to the tap to fill a glass with water. Just a few seconds later she put down a huge glass of water in front of me.

"Sit down mom." I insisted and she did as she was told. "Where's dad?" I asked and looked around.

"So how was camp?" she ignored my question.

"Good. Where's dad?" I asked once again and looked at her questionably.

"God I thought I had another 9 days to figure this out..." she mumbled with her hands in front of her mouth.

"Figure what out?" I asked, almost a little bit afraid. She took a deep breath, then said;

"Your dad and I are getting divorced."

And right there, in that moment, when I didn't think my summer could get any worse... It did.

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