Chapter 16

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We’ve been on this camp for one month, two days, 1 hour and 20 minutes now. On one hand I’m so ready to go back home. You get pretty tired of seeing the same people every single day. But on the other hand, I just want to stay here forever. I’m afraid that if we leave, things won’t be the same and I will lose Cameron. I don’t want to lose him.

It’s been almost three weeks since we first said the L-word. That may have been the first time, but it sure as hell wasn’t the last. During these weeks, I’ve never been happier. Cameron has a heart of gold and he doesn’t want to hurt a single soul. The way he kisses me to the way he listens to me… I love everything in-between just as much. I’ve told him things I haven’t even told Stella and Jake, which is a pretty big deal. He actually cares and asks me if I’m okay. I’ve never felt of such worth as he makes me feel. I love waking up with a smile on my face, knowing he will be up there in the main cabin, waiting for me. I love how even if we’re not paired into the same group, he still finds a way to make things super romantic. Like this one time, when we played soccer. We were on different teams but he made sure he played on the same side as me. Whenever the ball was on its way towards me, he’d take me by the waist and prevent me from running. He’d pull me down on the ground and hold me there so his team mates could take the ball. He’d even just run pass me and give me soft kisses on the cheek.

Today was just like all of the other days. The girls were laying on the jetty, trying to relax, meanwhile the boys where jumping into the water like they were born fishes. My phone was connected to the little portable speaker. Some Ariana Grande song was played while we were lying on our backs’, trying to get that tan.
“Hey, did you hear about that one time when Y/N and I…” Stella said but was cut off by Daisy.
“Got chased by the cops? Yes. About a million times this week.” She said annoyed but eased the tension with a laugh.
“Oh... I told you about that already?” Stella asked got replied to with “Mhm.” This happened a lot lately. It was like we ran out of things to tell each other. So most of the time, we just shut up. Therefore, we rarely talked anymore.
“This sucks.” I said.
“What does?” Stella sighed from my left.
“All of it.” I said and paused. “Not being able to do everything I planned to do this summer… Being stuck here, you know?” I continued.
“Like what?” I heard Cameron’s voice. I sat up and held a hand above my eyes so I wouldn’t get blinded by the sun. Cameron sat down with his wet body on my dry towel.
“What?” I said.
“What?” he said.
“I’m confused.” I said. He smiled and put a hand on my leg. During our confusing moment, the other girls jumped into the water.
“I meant like, what were you planning on doing?” he asked and lay down.
“You know, hanging out with my family and friends. Going to the beach and not just this jetty every single day. Being able to go to a café or buy ice cream, without having to take the bus for half an hour.” I said and sighed and lay down too.

“I see, I see.” He began. “But do you really think all of it sucks?” he asked. I looked at him through peering eyes. He had his closed and faced the sun. Of course it didn’t. He didn’t suck. He was the only thing that made me like this place. Just as I was about to say that to him, and not just in my mind, I heard Jake’s voice.
“Hey, have someone seen Chris?” he shouted to us.

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