Chapter 27

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It was just like in the movies. Ropes tided up between trees, rope nets hanging down. Basically, you can just imagine a boot camp and put it 65 freaking feet up in the air. I got dizzy just looking at it.
"Okay, no time to waste! Everyone go to the station they were given on the bus!" Emily shouted. I looked out over the "boot camp" and saw stations numbered with 1, 2 and 3. I had been given number 2 so I made my way over there.
"Okay! Station number one, you have to walk this thin line from one tree to the other, right over there." Emily said and pointed from one tree to another. "Remember to help each other! And station number two, you have to pull each other up on this ladder, without breaking any bones in your bodies." She continued and pointed at a ladder with a small amount of handles or steps or whatever you want to call the sticks attached to it. Easy, I thought. "As for station number three, you have to find a way to get up to that platform, way up there" Emily said and pointed at a platform higher than the Eiffel Tower. Or at least that's what it felt like. Whoa. "only thing is, we have nothing but ropes, wooden boxes and your group to help." She smirked and laughed a little.
We started climbing the ladder but out plan wasn't very carefully prepared.
"Let's just start over." I said and chipped for air between Jake and Mo. We jumped down again and looked up.
"Alright, what if I climb to the first one and then I'll help Y/N up and you'll stand on my shoulders so you come up to the second handle. Then I'll do the same with Mo, only she'll climb over you as well and stay on the third handle. And then we'll just keep on going like that?" Jake suggested and we agreed since that was the only logic explanation. Jake climbed up on the first handle and reached down for my hand. I took it and he pulled me up. I stood close to him, and I found it funny that we never thought it was awkward to be so close to each other. But then again, we'd been friends forever and we'd already gone through the awkward stages of our friendship.
"I can't reach it." I sighed when I realized I couldn't reach the second handle.
"Here," Jake said and held his hand in front of me. "Give me your foot." I put my foot in his hand and pushed away. "Alright, there we go." Jake said over the other groups' screams and laughs.
Our plan worked, because a few minutes later we were at the final platform of that ladder.
"Now what?" I laughed down to Emily who stood in the very beginning of the ladder.
"Stay up there!" she shouted. "I'll tell you what to do when the others are ready!
A couple of minutes later, we were all up on our platforms. Emily's small body moved around at the ground and all we could hear was the wind.
"Hey Ems?" Stella shouted from platform number 3. Stella looked up towards us. "We gon' start or what?"
"Time for competition!" she shouted and looked from platform one, to two, to three. "Your team have to take the knowledge you've gotten at your station, and move from this platform, to the one on the other side!" she shouted and pointed towards the end of the 'boot camp' where a three platforms were situated.
"What's the catch?" Will shouted down to her.
"You can't ever touch the ground." I looked towards the other platform and realized we were going to have to climb over there. Over unstable bridges, ropes, rope nets, ladders, trees and branches.
"GO!" Emily screamed from the ground, and I guess I must have missed ready and set because all of a sudden Mo and Jake were in the process of trying to climb a rope net, set out just a few feet down.
"Y/N, come on!" Mo shouted and I started climbing down to the rope net. Instability, height and dizziness wasn't three things you should combine.
More than halfway through the track, we realized we were in last place. Mo and Jake started going on a thin branch, in order to come over to the ladder on the other side.
"No, here!" I said, and pointed at a thicker branch. I figured it'd be easier walking on a more stable branch, also it'd go faster so we could pass those fuckers.

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