Chapter 7

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It was like I woke him from some kind of trans because his whole body reacted as I opened my mouth. He looked up at me with his brown eyes. His cheeks were filled with dried tears.

"Thank God you're okay." He said and before I had the time to answer he was up on his feet and pulled me into his chest. He had his arms over my shoulders and his hands were in my hair. I put my arms around his waist and hid my face in his chest. I listened to his heart beat fast. I could feel how his stomach started moving quickly, you know, the way it does when you're crying and can't stop. I pulled out of the hug and looked at his face.

"Hey. Hey don't cry. I'm okay." I said and dried the tears from his cheeks with my thumb.

"I'm okay." I smiled and looked into his eyes. His lips were shaking but they faked a smile, showing off his white teeth. "Thank you." I repeated and hugged him again.

After helping him relax a bit, we walked up towards the cabins. As we got to the girls' cabin, which was lit up with candles and the lamps from inside, I stopped and took his hand.

"I'd be dead if it weren't for you." I said and smiled. I could feel a tear coming down my cheek. He pulled me into one last hug and I could feel him taking a deep breath, prevent himself from tearing up. Then he let go and walked up to their cabin. I watched him until he got there safe and then turned around to walk into mine. The girls were all sitting in Daisy's bed. One of their phones was connected to a speaker, which was on the bedside table between Daisy's and Stella's beds.

"Y/N! 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER JUST RELEASED THEIR NEW EP!" Stella shouted over the music. She was jumping around in the bed, singing along to Amnesia, oddly enough. If there's one person who can turn a sad song into a jump-around-in-your-bed-and-sing-along kinda song, it'd be Stella. I joined Mo and Daisy, who were sitting down and laughing at Stella's moves. After the EP was over, and we'd listened to the four songs, Daisy switched into some normal, calm music.

"So, let's make  deal." Daisy said as she walked back to the bed. We looked at her and waited for more. "We almost lost Y/N today. Let's make a deal that no matter what, we will always check on each other." She said and looked around at the three of us. We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"No one gets left behind." Mo said and took my hand. I smiled and said;

"No one gets left behind." As I said that, I felt how my stomach started making an awkward noise. I realized I never ate dinner.

"Whoa. I better get something to eat." I laughed and held a hand on my stomach.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Stella asked as I got up and started walking towards the door.

"No it's fine. I'll just go up to Emily in the kitchen." I smiled and got out. It was pitch dark outside and only a few lanterns were placed around the camp to light up my way over to the kitchen. I walked on the narrow path up towards the bigger cabin. I knocked on the door before opening it slowly.

"Emily?" I asked and took a few steps further in. Suddenly her head popped up behind the kitchen counter in the back of the cabin.

"Hey sweetie! How are you feeling?" she asked and I told her I was doing better, just a bit hungry. She started making me sandwiches while telling me stories about the camp and how she'd been a leader for 5 years now. I thought, after today's accident, this couldn't get anything but better.

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