Chapter 13

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We met up with the boys down at the narrow road. The bus was already parked where it had left us 8 days ago. We got inside and drove off to God knows where.
“Are you seriously not telling us where we’re going?” Will asked. I looked over at him, sitting next to his twin sister.
“You’ll see eventually.” Emily laughed.

An hour later, we arrived to a big mall.
“WAIT” Stella shouted over everyone’s ‘oh my god’. “ARE WE SHOPPING” she kept shouting.
“Well, I thought since your parents packed your bags, you probably want to get some things you guys want and not what they want.” She said as we all got out of the bus.
“Go on.” She said and laughed at us for staying awkwardly close to her. “We got all day.” She said and looked at us. I didn’t notice the girls already started running towards the entre.
“Hey, guys” I shouted. “Wait up!”

This was much needed. I honestly don’t understand how we’re gonna go on for yet another 7 weeks. At least we have each other.
“So…” Stella said and sat down next to me. We were at some frozen yoghurt place.
“So what?” I asked and took a spoon of my raspberry yoghurt, covered with chocolate and berries.
“Cam huh?” she continued and I felt my face turning red as my heart skipped a beat.
“What about him?” I said and acted like nothing.
“What about him? Oh, let me think. Hmm… I don’t know, maybe someone sat in his lap and was all lovey dovey this morning?” she said and looked at me funny.
“It’s nothing.” I smiled and blushed by the thought of his fingers in my hair and his kiss on the top of my head.
“I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t blush over a guy who means nothing to me” Stella said and hit me on the arm. I smiled at my feet and shook my head.
“Oh my God. You’re in love with him. Aren’t you?” she asked. I felt my face turning a shade redder a smile spreading across my face.
“Is that bad?” I asked bit my lip. Stella took my hand and looked me in the eyes.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. You deserve someone like him, Y/N.” she smiled and took a bite of her frozen yoghurt.

We started walking slowly towards the exit. On our way we met the boys.
“Hey loser!” Will said and pushed his twin sister to the side.
“I’m 2 minutes older than you, be scared.” Daisy backfired and smiled. I laughed at their close relationship.
“Hi beautiful.” I heard Cameron’s voice from behind. His arm landed on my shoulders and I could feel him looking down at me.
“Hi.” I said shyly and looked up at him. I didn’t know how he could make me feel shy, but he did. I was shy and my knees were weak every time I looked at him.
“How was your day?” he asked curious and let his arm slip down to my side so our palms could touch and our fingers intertwine.
“It was good. How was yours?” I asked and bit my lip while leaning my head towards his upper arm.
“I needed more Y/N in it…” he said and I could feel how his head turned towards me. “But other than that, it was fun.” He continued and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. I smiled at myself and before I knew it, we were back on the bus again. I sat down on one of the window-seats and was joined by Cameron. He looked at me with a smile as if to ask if it was alright. I smiled back as a hell yes it’s alright. 

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