Chapter 30

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(Listen to Hearts Like Yours by Willamette Stone)
They were putting on their safety harnesses. Smiles on their faces and excitement pumping through their veins. I took my distance from them, because I didn't want my nervousness to ruin their experience. I felt like I was about to throw up, but I knew this was something I had to do. This whole camp was about getting over our fears and learning how to trust other people. In this moment, all I felt was uncertainty. I didn't want to do this.
"Hey Y/N! Come on!" Emily shouted and waved me over. I hesitated for a moment, but I decided that the others wouldn't see me afraid. Not again. I walked over to them and one of the employees helped me with my harness while I put a red helmet on my small head. I took a deep breath to prevent myself from fainting. I have this thing I do when I'm nervous. I keep moving my fingers. It's like I can't stop, and it's at its worst point at this moment. From behind I heard the others scream's and that didn't exactly help me. I looked down to see all of them had already jumped down. They'd all chosen to stay down there in the water, instead of getting back up.
"There we go young lady." The old man that'd helped me with my harness said. "Let's jump!"
I took a step closer to the railing and was shocked by how I hadn't noticed how high up in the air we were.
"Alright darling. I need you to get up here," the old man said and tapped on the railing. I took a deep breath and slowly put one leg after the other over the railing. I didn't look down. Because if I did, I knew I wouldn't do it.
"You know," I heard a voice from my right. My heart started beating even more in my chest when I heard the voice. Not because I got scared, but because it wasn't the old man's voice. It was Cameron. "It's not as bad as it seems." He said. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and I felt like crying. But of course I didn't. I took a deep breath and tried to talk without shaking.
"What makes you think I'm scared?" I tried to sound confident but that didn't work out too well.
"I guess I know you better than you think." He said and looked at me. I could feel his eyes glued to my face. I felt my cheeks turning red as he took my hand. My entire body felt warm and for just a split moment, it was like we were on safe ground. Just me and him. And I could finally relax.
"Oh really?" I said and looked at him. Because now, I didn't have to focus on being afraid... I could just focus on him. And those gorgeous eyes of his.
"Nah, you're shaking like a leaf Y/N." he said and chuckled. I smiled and tried not to shake as much.
"I'm sorry for staring at you." I said as I looked into his eyes. "It's just, if I look down. I'm just going to back out of this."
"Don't ever be sorry about staring at me. I'm lucky to have your eyes on me and not anyone else." he said softly and squeezed my hand carefully. "Now let's do this together." He said, still looking into my eyes. I nodded and looked forward. Here we go, I thought.
"You ready?" he asked me with fear in his voice.
"On three. One." I began.
"Two." He spoke.
And in that moment, I knew. I saw the entire summer pass by my eyes. Every scene replay in my mind. Every uncertain moment, was now clear. I loved him. I'd never been happier than I was now. Even though I was falling 160 feet. Even though I was facing my fear. I was still the happiest girl in the world. Because I was doing it with him. I got to do it with the boy I loved. This is going to sound really cheesy, excuse me, but I was falling with the boy I liked. Does that mean I was falling in love with him?

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