Chapter 19

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I didn't care about it being dark and scary and cold. I pointed my flashlight in front of my own feet, so I could see where I was heading. From behind I heard Cameron following. I wasn't far away from the cabins now.

"Y/N" I heard his voice. "Y/N, come on." He said and catch his breath. I ignored him and kept walking. "Slow down, please" I heard him again.

"Cam, leave me alone!" I said annoyed. He didn't. As I saw the lights from the cabin, I turned around.

"I'm serious Cameron. Leave. Me. Alone." I said and felt how my heart started beating faster out of anger.

"It was a joke" he explained.

"I know it might have seemed like a hella good joke to you, but try being me in this situation." I said angrily, maybe a little too loud. "My biggest fear is the dark. You didn't only bring me to my biggest fear, but you pretended like one of us was gone. I know how it feels to be left behind and forgotten. That's my second worst fear, if maybe not even my biggest." I hissed. I turned around but then he opened his mouth again. I took a few steps but didn't get far until he started talking again.

"But you faced your fear. You went out in the woods when it was dark." He tried to fight back.

"YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I WENT INTO THOSE DAMN WOODS?" I screamed. "IT WAS BECAUSE YOUR BEST FRIEND WAS GONE. I WAS FACING MY FEARS TO TRY AND HELP YOUR FRIEND." I left it at that. It might have seemed really fucking weird to make such a big deal of it all, but I was at my breaking point. I was at the breaking point and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be here anymore. Maybe I was ready to go back home.

The next day I didn't talk to any of them. At breakfast when they tried talking to me or sitting next to me, I'd just turn around and leave. I wasn't angry with them anymore... It was more like I was angry at everything else. You know that feeling when everything you do is just never good enough? It's never good enough for yourself? No matter how hard you'd try to do something, it never worked out. That's the kind of anger I was feeling. It may seem like the start of depression to many, but it wasn't even that. I was just physically not capable of believing and trusting myself. Like I could try and open a box of juice but it didn't work and it felt like I would crash down into tears.

I went up to the main cabin the day after the "prank" to talk to Emily. She was sitting in the kitchen, paying some bills and doing paper works. I leaned against the kitchen counter and watched her until she noticed me.

"Y/N..." she said shocked and took her reading glasses off.

"Listen." I said simply and put my arms across my chest. "I'm not mad about yesterday. Well, maybe a little, but that's not it. I need some time, Emily." I said and she looked at me questionably.

"What do you mean time?" she asked.

"I mean like, I need to go home." I said and looked down on my feet. "I can't keep waking up to the same days over and over again. I need change or else I'm going to go crazy here." I continued and looked up at her. She stood up and walked over to me.

"After what you've been through... I don't blame you." She said and caressed my upper arm.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I should've stopped it, not help them." She explained and I could hear how she really meant it. I nodded as an okay.

"Would it be okay if I just go home for a week and come back for the last couple of days?" I asked and looked up at her from behind my freshly showered hair.

"Of course sweetie. Go home. Relax. When you get back I promise I will make sure the others regret what they did." She smiled and that made me crack a smile.

"Thank you." I smiled.

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