Chapter 18

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I turned on my flashlight. The warm July day started to come to an end, as the moon was visible on the dark blue sky. It wasn't pitch-dark yet, but soon enough, it'd only be us, the deep woods and those flashlights. How could we not notice he was gone? The girls made a promise to never let anyone out of sight. I thought that included both boys and girls.

"You guys look over there, I'll go over here." Cameron said and pointed, first to the left and then to the right. I looked at him seriously.

"I'm coming with you."

"No Y/N, you're not." He replied.

"Yes Cameron, I am." I fought back.

"It's safer for you to go with the others." He said and started walking. I took his hand and forced him to turn around.

"You're not going in there alone!" I said angrily and looked him in the eye. He looked away and looked annoyed but terrified. I didn't know if it was because his best friend was missing or if it was because he was afraid of going into the woods, but I took one thing at a time.

"I'm coming with you." I said with a softer voice. He finally gave in. He wasn't happy about it, but he gave in.

"CHRIS!" he shouted, almost at the edge of screaming. I followed him step by step, broke a few branches and jumped a few rocks.

"CHRIS?" I shouted short thereafter. I kept looking back because it felt like someone was there. I pointed my flashlight back and forth between all the trees.

"CHRIS?" Cameron shouted again. This time I heard something from behind. I turned quickly.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered and grabbed Cameron's arm in fear.

"It was probably just a bird." Cam said and ignored me. I tried shaking it off but then I heard it again.

"Seriously Cam... we're not alone." I said, trying not to sound panicky even though I was. He didn't answer. "Cam!" I said and turned around, just to see he wasn't there. "CAM!" I shouted. I was at the point of crying when suddenly...

Everyone came jumping out from behind trees. All of the boys, all of the girls... Even Chris. I just stood there, in shock. What did just happen.

"WE TOTALLY GOT YOU." Stella shouted and laughed along with the others. They were clapping hands and some of them even had to sit down because they laughed so much. I didn't laugh. I was straight out furious.

"What the hell?" I said and looked at all of them angrily.

"IT WAS ALL CAMERON'S IDEA, OH MY GOD, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE" Daisy laughed while sitting on the ground. Even Emily was there. I looked around at them, one by one.

"Pretending to have lost a person? What kind of sick people joke about something like that?" I said and they all got quiet. A few throats were cleared. They looked shocked over how I reacted. None of them spoke.

"It was just a joke, Y/N..." Cameron said and took my hand from behind.

"JUST A JOKE?" I almost screamed. A tear came down my cheek. "JUST A JOKE, WOULD'VE BEEN TO PUT SOAP ON MY TOOTHBRUSH. JUST A JOKE WOULD'VE BEEN TO TAPE THE CHEESE SLIZER." I screamed while more and more tears came down my cheeks. I didn't know why I got so mad. I guess it was just the fact that they all scared me to the point where I almost felt like I was going to die. The fact that I thought I was left all alone in the middle of the woods. I guess it was the fact that I almost drowned a little over a month ago and now they decide to do this? One scar is enough for one summer. I sure as hell didn't need two. I started walking away.

"Y/N." Cameron said. "Come on." I just kept walking.

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