Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with the biggest smile on my face. I tried hiding it but apparently that didn’t work out quite well.
“Is that a smile on the birthday girl’s face?” Stella said and acted surprised. Oh God no. I totally forgot it was my birthday. I pulled the blanket over my face but it was gone in the same second.
“Get up lazy!” Mo shouted from far.
“You can’t sleep through 16, Y/N.”

After many but’s and if’s, the girls got me out of bed. We walked up to breakfast and I was surprised by balloons, cake and the smell of bacon.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the boys and Emily shouted as we walked into the kitchen.
“Guys, this is too much…” I said and stopped.
“You deserve this, sweetie.” Emily said and walked towards me. She pulled me with her towards the others. They all gave me a hug. Last but not least, Cameron. As he pulled me into his chest, he put his mouth to my ear.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday princess?” he whispered and smiled.
“I thought you knew everything about me.” I smirked and took his hand before pulling him with me towards the table, filled with eggs in all shapes, bacon, pancakes, fruits and all that kind of stuff. He followed me and sat down a couple chairs away.
   After eating more breakfast than I’d ever eaten before, Stella swung up from her chair and excitedly held a box, dressed in purple wrapping paper, in front of me.
“Open it.” She said and bit her lips in excitement. I did as she told her and removed the paper. A brown box was visible underneath and as I opened it up, I saw what was inside.
“Stella…” I said and smiled at her. I took out the frame, containing a photo of Stella and I the first day of high school.
“Do you like it?” she asked and gave me a hug.
“I love it.” I said and smiled. “But you should keep it.” I said. The photo was really special to the both of us. A long time ago, there were like tons of the exact same photo at her house. We didn’t really pay much attention to it, but after Stella’s house caught fire last year, it meant the world to us. It was the only thing Stella had time to take out from her house the night of the fire. All of our other memories were gone.
“No, really Y/N, I want you to have it.” She said and held the frame to my heart. “But keep it safe.” She smiled and gave me a hug. After getting a few smaller gifts from the others, I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I looked down at the photo I got from Stella and it brought a smile to my face. Suddenly, Cameron sat down next to me.
“I remember this day.” I said and looked over at him.
“Tell me about it.” He said and nodded towards the photo.
“It was first day of high school.” I began and smiled. “Stella’s parents dropped us off and couldn’t resist to take a photo of us.” I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” he asked curiously and looked at me.
“Stella was, uhm…” I laughed again. “She was wearing this Radiohead shirt underneath her uniform because at the time, she thought the shirt gave her luck. And it obviously did, because we went the whole year without getting any kind of bullied, which is kind of like a big deal for a freshman.” I laughed and looked down at the photo and the up at Cameron.
“But hell, is she embarrassed about this.” I laughed. “Radiohead is the only band she dislikes.” Cameron actually listened to me talk about the whole freshman year. He even laughed when I told him about me falling in front of all the seniors in the cafeteria, which actually, today, is pretty funny. He was a good listener, that Cameron guy.

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