Chapter 28

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They followed me on my branch and we caught up to the rest of the guys. We were just a couple feet behind now. I looked to my right and saw group number three trying to climb over a huge branch, while group one on my left side did the same. Jake and Mo was going to do the same, but I stopped them.
"Guys, guys!" I said demanding but quiet. I started crawling under the branch instead and Mo and Jake followed me. Only one more rope to walk on and then a ladder to climb and then we were at the finish line.
"Hurry!" I heard Cameron shout to his team mates. I glanced a look at him and was shocked that he was glancing at me. I opened my mouth and let my lips form the words "you're going down". Then I continued to scream at my team to hurry over the rope. We were last over the rope, but the final thing was a ladder. And in that moment. I just knew we'd win.
And of course we did. I know it was about being a team and work together, but God did it feel good to win. Especially winning as a team.
Minutes later we found ourselves back on the ground again. Emily was applauding and gave us hugs as we came down.
"I'm so proud of you!" she gritted her teeth in happiness and tightened the hug. I laughed a little and then our team had a big group hug along with the other groups.
"How about some lunch competition?" Emily said and was replied to with sighs.
"Really? Food shouldn't be a competition. Food is to innocent for that." Tyler, one of the football guys, laughed and put an arm around Mo. I could see how she blushed as he leaned up against her. She stayed her quiet self but I could tell she was into him.
We met up at a cabin just a few hundred feet away, where we'd be eating and making our lunch for the day. Emily had left us alone, so she could start preparing the surprise-afternoon. The cabin looked just like the ones we'd lived in for the last couple of months on the outside, but inside it was filled with kitchens and fresh food.
"Wow, it's like an episode of Masterchef in here." Jake said and everyone laughed at his comment. Stella in particularly. She even leaned up against him and hooked his arm with his as if they were some royalty couple.
"Hey look, a note!" Daisy shouted and waved for everyone to come look.
"If I wouldn't have known you and Jake were best friends, I'd totally mistake you guys for a couple." I said as a joke and hit Stella on the arm.
"Well, things might have changed a bit between Jake and I when you were gone." Stella said playfully, but still kind of serious. What was going on? Were everyone falling in love here?
"Food challenge." Daisy read. "You're teamed up in groups of two (see list at back)," she continued and turned the note to see all of our names paired up, and then read; "you have everything you could've ever asked for to use when cooking, and more. The only rule is that you can't ruin anything for the other teams and you only have an hour. May the best chefs win." She finished and put the note down so the rest of us could see the names.
Stella - Jake
Daisy - Will
Mo - Tyler
Cameron - Chris
Y/N - James

I didn't have to read further than that. Now I knew I was teamed up with James and could ignore Cameron for yet another hour.
"Okay, let's sit down for 5 minutes and talk about what we're making, and then we'll start the time." Will said and we all agreed.
"What's your favorite food?" James asked me.
"I really don't know, I pretty much eat everything." I laughed and then asked him what his was.
"I've always been a big fan of chicken..." he said slowly and shrugged.
"I think we can make that work. Let's say..." I said and thought for a moment. "Chicken with pasta?" I suggested.
"Sounds good." James said and we started planning on who'd make what.
"We have this in the bag." I said to James as Jake set the timer. And even though some of the others were really good at cooking, like Cameron and Chris (dream team tbh), I knew we wouldn't be the worst because I knew for a fact that neither Stella nor Jake had ever in their entire life been in a kitchen to cook.
"Run Y/L/N!" James shouted and ran towards the ingredients as Jake screamed an echoing "go".

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