Chapter 4

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After a few more minutes of no talking, I had to break the silence again. Because like I said, I hate silence.
"Junior or senior?" I asked curious without looking at him. I was staring blankly into the seat in front of me and didn't even think about how weird it must have looked.
"Senior." He said and I could feel how he turned his head to look at me. His arm was touching mine. Our bodies were awkwardly trying not to make it awkward, which just made it all awkward.
"Really?" I asked quickly and jumped a bit away from his arm. "I haven't seen you before." I said and then corrected myself. "I mean, except in detention."
"I usually hang out with my friends. Not much of a social person." He said and nodded, though I didn't exactly know what he was nodding about.
"Maybe that'll change these couple of months." I said and looked at him with a smile on my face.
"Let's hope so." He said and smiled with his white teeth.
"So, you're a junior, right?"
"Shouldn't you know?" I asked, considering he knew so much about me earlier.
"Okay, I know you're a junior. I just tried to keep the conversation going." He said a bit disappointed.

We didn't talk much more. I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, so I picked it up and saw a text from Stella. It was in our group chat which included me, Stella and Jake.
"This sucks." The message said and I took a look back at her and met her eyes right away. I rolled my eyes and then sighed deep. The last hour and half I spend sleeping.

I woke up by a loud familiar noise. It was Emily who put out one of her extremely horrible whistles again.
"When you get out of the bus, I want everyone to stay by your bags. No one. And I mean no one leaves." She said and then we all got out of the bus. As I looked around outside, I saw that we were standing right by the water. So, to my right, I had the water. To my left, there were small little wooded cabins. The sun was shining and it was uncomfortably hot. We could hear birds sing and smell flowers. It was quit an extraordinary place to put a camp. I mean, it looked like we were on some resort in the Bahamas. The small little private jetty looked pretty clean from where we were standing and so did the cabins. When we had found our bags, we all turned to Emily who stood with her back towards the cabins while the bus drove off.
"This is your new home for the next couple of months." She said and turned around to face the cabins. She started  walking a little bit and all of us followed her carefully. "Girls." She said a little bit louder. "You will be sharing the cabin to the left," she said and pointed towards the wooden cabin. "Meanwhile the boys, will be sharing the bigger cabin over there." She said and pointed towards a cabin further to the woods. We nodded and split into two groups. The girls on one side and the boys on the other.
"Dinner, along with the bathroom, is in the main cabin in the middle of the camp." She said and then turned around to look at the groups. "Go ahead. Make yourself at home." She smiled and gestured for us to go to our cabins. The boys ran with their non-heavy sports bags over their shoulders, meanwhile us girls were having trouble with our suitcases.
"God why was I not born male like my brother." Daisy sighed and we all answered by laughing. 

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