Chapter 12

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I was too upset to go home so I gave Ty a call told him to be on alert because Sara was back. I drove around for a while before I ended up pulling up to Dalton's house. Maya walked outside to see who it was and smiled seeing me. "You're ok?" She asked. I looked at her. A tear left my eye and I looked away. 

"I shot Blane," I said. 

"That's great." She said. I looked at her. 

"Well that you can actually shot the gun not that you shot him." She said. I looked behind her to see Dalton standing in the doorway. "What happened?" She asked. 

"Sara is in town," I said. She pulled me inside and Dalton stood by the stairway as we sat on the couch. I looked at him and looked away. 

"Tell me what happened Jax." She said. 

"I went there to talk to him but he was a little busy," I said looking at the floor. I didn't love him but I did feel something for him. He hurt me. 

"I'm glad you shot him." She said. 

"Don't get too happy. I only shot his leg." I said. Dalton straightened up. 

"You shot him?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Why are you here?" He asked. Maya throws a pillow at him. 

"Asshole." She said. He looked at her. 

"I was asking Maya. I'm not trying to be a dick." He said. I stood up. 

"Maya I'm gonna go to my mom's house. I'll talk to you in the morning." I said walking to the door. A hand on my waist stopped me from walking out. I looked up to see Dalton looking at me. 

"You may sleep in my bed. I don't want you going back to her place. Not after the way she treated you." He said. I was confused. He really did know something about me. "Maya go to bed." He said. She walked up to me and gave me a hug and walked upstairs. I looked at him. "Follow me." He said. He let go of my waist and grabbed my hand. We walked upstairs and went to his room. 

"I don't want to sleep in your bed. I don't want to kick you out of it." I said. He smiled. 

"Relax. I have a bunch of work to do at my gang house so I won't be staying tonight." He said. I looked down at my phone. 

"It's 2 in the morning? Do you ever sleep?" I asked sitting on his bed. He pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to me. 

"I'm normally busy to sleep. And Sara's back which just made things much more difficult." He said. 

"How did you know what happened between me and my mom?" I asked. He was grabbing a bunch of stuff. 

"Maya was worried about you that day because your mom wasn't stable. She had asked me to watch over you since she had an appointment. It took me everything I had not to hit her." He said. I looked at him as he watched me. "You may not remember me but I remember you." He said. 

"That night we were bringing Sara and her dad to my house we got into a crash. I lost my memories for 3 months. Most of them came back and the ones that didn't Nick tried to recreate. But he couldn't recreate a memory he wasn't apart of." I said. He walked towards me. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He said. I looked at the wall. 

"Do you have to go to the gang house?" I asked. 

"Not really. I just don't really like being home most days." He said. 

"Sara wants me dead. Blane probably wants me dead. My mom wants me dead. I don't even know how I got caught up in this mess. I just want my life to go back to normal. I thought I could handle this but I can't. I wasn't made for this lifestyle." I said. 

"There is a way I can make this all go away." He said. I looked at him. "But that would mean you would have to no longer exist. You'd have to move, change your name. No contacts to your old life. They wouldn't be allowed to know you are alive. To them, you'd be dead. To everyone you'd be dead." He said. I looked at the ground. "But if you let me protect you, nun of that has to happen." He said. 

"OK," I said. He sat next to me. I looked at him. 

"OK." He said. I just stare at him for a minute and look at his arm that was holding clothes. "Give me a minute." He said. I nodded. He gets up and takes out his phone. "Hey, Marco I'm staying home tonight. I'll send you the forms and stuff from my computer." He said. He got off the phone and looked at me. 

"I'm going to go down to my car and grab my laptop. Go on and change your clothes. I'll knock when I'm ready to come in." He said. I nodded. He walked out of the room and I got up and looked around the room. He didn't have photos up, no posters, the room looked bare. I sighed and took off my jeans and my shirt. I slipped on his shirt. It ended barely half way down my thigh. I took out my hair and put all my clothes in a pile by the bed. A knock came from the door and I walked over to the door and opened it. 

"I didn't expect you to be that quick." I said. He smiled. 

"It was just out to my car. That shirt looks good on you. Keep it." He said. I looked down at it to see his name on the front. I giggled. 

"You have a shirt with your name on it?" I asked walking to the bed. 

"No you have a shirt with my name on it." He said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Why did you have a shirt with your name on it?" I asked. 

"Maya had made it for me when I became leader. I only wore it once. But I kept it because I love her goofy ass." He said. I slipped into the covers and looked at him. He looks at me. "You know you have the most prettiest eyes." He said. I looked away and smiled. "Go to bed." He said. I laid in the bed and closed my eyes. My eyes shot open at the sound of a phone. "Don't answer it." A voice said. I look over to see Dalton staring at me. I got off the bed and he rolled his eyes. 

I looked at the caller ID. Nick. I answered it. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Woah why are you on edge?" He asked. I left out a breath of air. "I'm fine sis. Chill." He said. 

"I thought that Blane did something or Sara." I said. 

"First, I'd kick Blane's ass in seconds and Sara ain't shit. I was calling because I just got back to the club house and you weren't here. I wanted to see where you were." He said. 

"Yeah I ah at a friends." I said looking at Dalton. He smirks. 

"Mhhh do I know this friend?" He asked. 

"Yes." I mumbled. 

"And ahh does this friend have a name that starts with a D and ends with a N?" He asked. 

"Goodnight Nick." I said. 

"Pay back sex already?" He asked. 

"Ew gross. I'm going to bed now." I said. 

"I'm sleeping in your bed." He said. 

"What else is new?" I said. He hung up and I looked at Dalton. 

"I'm ah at a friends." He mimics. I roll my eyes and walk back up to the bed. 

"Shut up." I said getting in the bed and laying down. 

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