Chapter 19

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We get out of the car as someone in a dark black hoodie came around the old abandon staking rink. Dalton stood in front of me as the guy slowly approached. "This doesn't feel right. Whatever you do stay behind me." He whispered. He grabbed my hand. I was about to pull back when I noticed he was handing me his keys. "If something happens you get to the car and take off." The guy stopped a few feet away and Dalton dropped my hand. "Don't you think it's a little too dark?" Dalton asked

"I figured you would like the dark Dalton." The guy said. Something about his voice sounded familiar. 

"I wasn't aware of the Brotherhood gang being one of Moscato's local gang? I thought you were a Seattle gang." From the reflection of the moons light shinning on the guy's face you could see him smirking. But most of his face was covered in the dark.  

"You know she said you were smart." He said. I took a step forward as I remembered why his voice was familiar.

"Shane?" He chuckled as he stepped out into the only light coming from the street a few houses down. He took his hood off and his dark brown eyes stared back at me. 

"Hello, Jax." 

"You're a gang leader?" I asked. 

"I had the same reaction when I found out about you." I looked at him skeptically. 

"You said she? You mean Sara? As in you talked to her? Or are you working for her?" 

"You were always too smart for your own good." He said. I crossed my arms as two guys came out from behind the building. 

"You step us up?" He shrugged. 

"Don't take it personally. Sara's argument was more convincing." 

"You haven't even heard ours," Dalton said. 

"True but I liked hers, enough to discard yours."

"So you would betray your own boyfriend for her?" He chuckled. 

"The only reason why I was even with Nick was to get information on you. And boy did he fall for it." 

"You used my brother for Sara's pathic game?" I asked taking another step. Dalton's arm wrapped around my waist. 

"What can I say? I'm one for the dramatics." 

"What did she promise you?" His eyes went to Dalton. 

"The Serpents," Dalton growled. 

"I'm sorry you were misled. In order for you to get that you would have to pry it from my cold dead hands." He smiled wicked smile. 

"Why do you think you are here? Sadly Sara has something else planned for you, Jax." 

"You must be stupid if you actually think Sara is going to give you the Serpents. You know why she hates Jax so much?" Dalton asked. Shane sighed. 

"Enlighten me." 

"I made Sara a gang leader not that she practically begged for it. But for Sara, it meant more to her than it meant to me. She thought I chose her over some helpless girl because I had some emotional attachment to her. I let her go on thinking it because I started to believe it myself. Until I saw the girl I gave a normal life. That beauty is more than anything in life. I couldn't love Sara the way she wanted me to because I was already in love with someone else. When she found out she made it her mission to kill her. When I found out I forced her to leave town. But Sara couldn't let things go. Sara doesn't want me dead. She wants Jax to suffer for me loving her. So if you actually think she is going to let you kill me and take the Serpents from me than you are just as much of a fool as Nick is." Shane's smirk wiped off his face and he glared. 

"We will see about that." He said. He turned around and as more guys showed up. "Take the girl to Sara and bring me his head." He said disappearing into the woods. My heart thumped at the thought of Dalton dying. I took a deep breath. 

"Jax get to the car." He breathed in my ear. But when we turned around 7 more guys were behind us. "Or not." I glanced to the side as one of them launched at him. Dalton took out a gun and pulled the trigger. The guy's body fell the ground as the bullet shell hit the ground. 5 more shots as Dalton moved so fast blocking each one of them from touching either of us. We became surrounded and Dalton ran out of bullets. I grabbed my gun and handed it to him. He shot an opening for us towards the woods and he grabbed my hand and we ran into it. "Good thinking on bringing your own gun but now what?" He asked. I knew we could never outrun these guys they were masterminds. I looked up at a tree that was barely climbable but I knew I could climb it. 

"How good is your climbing abilities?" He stopped and looked at me. 

"What are you thinking?" He asked. 

"We can never outrun these guy and even if we tried we would split up. So why don't we go up? It's too dark to see in the trees so they would have to wait until morning by then we would be gone." He thought about it for a second then nodded. I pointed to the tree. "Do you think you can climb it?" He looked over at it. 

"Most likely." 

"Good. Let's go." We ran up to the tree and began climbing it. I heard the sound of a dozen footsteps and he pushed me up more by my ass. I grabbed the tree limb and pulled myself up. He took two seconds to pull himself up and we climbed a bit higher and hid in the leaves. We watched as they ran through the woods like madmen. I looked over at Dalton as he sat down with his back against the tree. I sat down too and closed my eyes trying to catch my breath. 

"Good thinking." Dalton breathed. I scuffed. 

"How are we going to get down? It was a pain getting up." 

"We will figure it out." 

"Joe what's your report?" A man asked from below. He held a walky-talky in his hand. 

"Beck man I think we lost them." Joe i'm guessing reported back on the walky. 

"That's not the answer I want. There's nothing but woods for miles. We need to find them. I don't care if it takes you all night. I'm going to stay behind and see if they come back for there car. The girl won't be able to fend us off if the guy is dead so shot him if you see him."

"Copy that." Beck looked around for a little bitan

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