Chapter 38

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I get to the top of the steps as I finish braiding my damp hair. I hear Nick's voice followed by Robert's in the kitchen. I walked in there. Ty was the first one to notice me and he stills up. I looked at Nick as he stops talking. The room went quiet as I glanced at Dalton who was in the corner of the room with his eyes on me. I sighed and sat down on the empty stool. 

"There are like seven people here why is it so quiet?" Maya asked as she walked in. I looked at her. She looked at my face. "Damn." I rolled my eyes. 

"You should see the other girl. I think I broke a rib." She smiles. 

"Ok I'll just say it, the plan failed," Ty said. I looked at him. He looks at me and everyone else. "What is plan B?" I looked at the counter. 

"It didn't fail." I look up at him. He looks at me like everyone else was. I looked at Nick. "The plan was to take Sara out before we started a war. We didn't take her out but we know she's scared. Her plan was to take me out last night so her plan failed as well. Whatever she has planned next it's going to be reckless. Her first plan took her weeks to figure out and it still backfired. Sara's never been good in serious situations." Nick nodded. 

"True but how does this help us?" 

"We don't have to go to war. If I can stall long enough to get a statement out we get them to turn on her." 

"How do you suppose we do that?" Blane asked. I looked at him. 

"With him," I said looking at Robert. He gave me a questioning look. "You created most of these gangs meaning you are a legend. If we can tell them that Sara is the one who scared the war and give them proof it should be enough to make them turn against her." He nods. 

"It could work." 

"But there will still be some bloodshed. In order to get to Sara, we will have to go through about a dozen gangs." Nick said. 

"Not if we get caught on purpose," Dalton said. Nick looked at him. "Sara wants to show them we are too weak to run a gang. If we put up a fight but don't try hard enough and get caught. She will put us front and center of everyone. You just have to make your statement loud and fast." I nodded. 

"Now all we have to do is find out where this is going down," I said. 

"That's easy, in the same place it all began." Robert started. I looked at him. "On Serpent territory. Their backyard to be exact. Serpents have the biggest space that is perfect for a war like this. I should know I picked it on purpose. It's where I stopped the last war." 

"Ok, then it's settled. We make a statement. If that fails we go with plan C." I said getting up. Ty looks at me. 

"What's plan C?" I look at him. 

"We go to war." He nods. 

"I'll let the gangs know," Nick said. 

"I'll join you," Tim said. I turned around and Maya followed me downstairs. 

"Everything alright with you and my brother?" She asked. I sat on my bed. 

"He stopped me from killing Keem." She gave me a confused look as she sat down on my bed. 

"Keem? As in the same Keem that worked for Dalton?" I nodded. 

"He's my ex." She nods. "He's working for Sara." 

"So you wanted to kill him because he sleeping with her?" I sighed. 

"The number one rule to joining a gang is if you betray the gang the consequence is death. I don't like my enemies know my weaknesses because I let one person slide." 

"But it's not like you were actually going to pull the trigger right? I mean you've only ever shot Blane and that was his leg." 

"Yeah, I killed two of Sara's men last night." 


"It's not a big deal." 

"Jax taking a person's life is a big deal. If it doesn't affect you as it should then you start to turn into power-hungry like Sara." I laid back. 

"Oh believe me it's taking a toll on me." she nods. 

"I see that." 

"Mind if I intrude?" I heard Dalton ask. I sit up to see him on the stairs. I looked down as Maya stands up. 

"I am going to go home tonight and get some sleep. I'll see you too in the morning." I watch her walk up the steps and I looked at Dalton. 

"I can't stay. I have to get ready for this war that may or may not happen." I nodded. He walks down the steps. "I understand I overstepped when I stopped you from pulling the trigger and I am sorry. But my reasons for doing so will be explained soon. I just can't give you them yet." I looked down. "I don't want to rethink this alliance or us. I want to be with you, Jax. I know you have trust issues and for good reasons. But if you were ever going to trust someone without knowing them completely it would be me. I swear to you on my life that I would never betray you or hurt you in any way." He walked up to me and I looked up at him. "I'm going to be at my house tonight. I would love it if you stayed the night." I gave him a small smile. 

"I'll think about it." He returned that same smile and leaned down to kiss me. 

"If I end up staying at my warehouse tonight I'll let you know." I nodded. 

"Okay," I said. 

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