Chapter 35

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I get to the gang house and Ty smiles at me as I get out of Dalton's car. He leans on the pillar with a smirk. "Did you guys have fun last night?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Shut up." He chuckles as Dalton gets out of the car. 

"You know it's 11 in the morning right? You are late." I slap his arm as I passed him. He chuckles again. As I was in Tim gives me the same look. 

"How was your night?" I scuffed. 

"Next person to ask me that question is going to get hit." He held up his hands. 

"Sorry, Jax." I walked into the kitchen and sighed. Ty and Tim gave me a confused look as Cal and Sebastian walked into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" Tim asked. 

"I went to my mother's house yesterday and she wasn't alone," I said leaning on the counter. Dalton sat down on the stool as did the guys. 

"What? Did your mom get a new boyfriend or something?" Ty asked. Nick walked into the kitchen and I looked at him. Dalton glanced back at him and looked at me. I looked at him and turned back to the guys. 

"Robert is alive." They all looked surprised. 

"What?" They echoed. I was about to explain it when he walked through the kitchen door. I glared at Nick. 

"I didn't ask you to bring him here Nick." I snapped. Robert sighed as he looked down. Nick rolled his eyes as the guys turned to him. 

"Can you push aside your issues for a moment so we can get to the real problem at hand?" I crossed my arms. 

"My problems are because of him," I argued. 

"Baby at least hear him out." I looked at Dalton. 

"Do not take his side in this." He sighed. 

"I'm only trying to help." I looked at Robert. 

"How can you possibly help me with Sara?" He looked up at me. 

"Well, she wants a war between the gangs. Most of the gangs in Moscato I created. One of the rules of becoming a leader is to not engage in a war between other gangs unless targeted. No one is crazy enough to follow her after they figured out she started the war. Right now everyone thinks you started it. But we have proof she started it." I crossed my arms. 

"What proof?" I asked. 

"I will show you but first you have to give someone permission to access the house." I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Fine one time access to whoever it is." He turns to the doorway of the kitchen. A brown-haired girl with golden eyes walks in. She was about the same size as me. She had skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun. She wore short shorts and a crop-top. "You're Sela. The girl Baine warned me about?" She smiled brightly. 

"You have nothing to worry about with me. I could never compare to you. Besides Blane was just doing Sara's dirty work. Ironic that he was helping her out when you were the one he loved." I glanced down for a split second. 

"Nice to see you too Sela." I heard Blane's say. I looked at him. I turned back to her. She looked at him. 

"I'm surprised to see you alive. After everything, you put Nick and Jax through even Dalton." He shrugged. 

"My days are still limited." She turns back to me. 

"Sara ordered an attack on every gang here in Moscato. She staged everyone differently making sure to leave behind a brand from other gangs. She made sure to go for the soul." 

"But she didn't order one on me." Dalton sighed. 

"That hitman she sent after you." I nodded. 

"What about the Serpents?" Nick asked. Sela looked at him. 

"Sara's target is Maya." Dalton snorted. 

"Good luck. Maya is out of town." Sela looked at him. 

"Maya is right where Sara wants her." Dalton gave her a confused look. "You don't think Bruce was her only hitman did you?" He looked down. "Sara sent someone after Maya that she would never suspect. Someone Maya trusts." 

"You mean someone like Caleb?" He asked looking up at her. She nodded. He stood up and dug out his phone. 

"There miles away Dalton. By the time you actually get a hold of her, it could too late." Blane said. He looked at him. 

"I don't want to hear shit from you. This whole thing could have been avoided if you would have just taken Jax's side. You had to be Sara's little puppet. If something happens to my sister I will kill you myself." He threatened. Blane balled up his fists. I grabbed my phone. 

"I'll try to get a hold of Liam." I went to dial his number when Dalton threw his phone across the room. 

"Dalton!" Nick snapped. Dalton looked at him ready to snap but he just walked out. I sighed. 

"Nick take Sela and Robert with you while you go and talk to the other gangs. Tell them whatever plan you have. I'll go with it. Blane, you are going with me." I grabbed my purse and picked up Dalton's phone. "Ty, keep an eye on the gang house. You're in charge until Nick comes back." He nods. Blane follows me outside as Dalton stands up from just leaning on the railing. 

"Where are you two going?" I hold out his phone for him. 

"New York. We are going to get your sister back alive." He sighs. 

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