Chapter 33

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"Abby go upstairs please." He said. Mom left like he had asked and he looked at me. "Your mother has dealt with a lot. You may be an adult now but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect her. She is still your mom."

"Noted. Are we done here?" I asked.

"No, we are not done, young lady. I may have been gone but you will show me a little respect as well." I scuffed.

"You want her respect? How about you give her some in return. You can start by explaining how the hell you are alive." Nick said.

"Sara shot me because I was trying to come home and your mother had already moved on. But next time she should make sure I'm actually dead." I sighed wiping my hair out of my face. "So I take it you've met Dalton?" He asked. I looked at him as he stared at the serpent tattoo I had on my wrist. "Good. He sure knows how to take charge. The serpents suit him."

"Why me? Why not Nick? Why did you want me to be a gang leader?" I asked.

"I wanted you out of all of this. Sara brought you into it when she broke the rules. The only way Dalton could protect you was bringing you into this. Making sure you were right in the middle. I didn't think Sara was going to want revenge for Dalton being in love with you." I crossed my arms.

"Dalton tell you all this?" I asked.

"I have a different spy than your boyfriend Jax. I promised him I wasn't going to put him in any position that would ruin whatever you two were."


"I don't tell my secrets."

"You didn't answer her question. Why her?"

"Because Jax is a fighter. She does what she feels is right even if it causes problems. Nick, you had your whole life planned out. You made it very clear that you didn't have any plans to be in this when you were 16. So that's why I chose Jax." I looked at Nick as he turned to me.

"What is he talking about Nick?"

"When you came home from your accident you weren't sleeping and you were already stressed. Dad showed up to see if you were ok. When he found out you were he was going to leave again. We talked and he explained to me why he left and what he was doing. But I didn't care to listen. He left to fight a fight that started long before we were born. He wanted to be the one to finish it and he wanted my help but I couldn't leave you just like he did. I wouldn't do that to you." The pain of knowing he lied to me for years hit like a ton of bricks.

"You knew where he was this whole time and you lied about it? All those nights I cried myself to sleep just wishing he was here and you just left it alone? You told me that if you could take the pain away you would have."

"Knowing where he was wouldn't have taken the pain away Jax. It would have made it worse to know he was so close but never came home. If he really wanted to be in our lives he would have fought for us. But he did what he's good at and left." My breathing got heavier and I turned around.

"I can't be here right now. I can only handle so much." I walked outside and took out my phone.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Dalton, can you come get me?"

"Are you at your mother's house?" He asked. I choked on air and cried.

"Yes." He hung up and I curled up in a ball on the porch. Dalton parked his car in the driveway and walked over to me pulling me to my feet and wrapping his arms around me. 

"Are you going to be okay, baby?" He asked. I slowly stopped crying and just laid my head on his shoulder. 

"He's alive," I whispered. 

"Who is?" He whispered back. The front door open and Dalton looked up at the person. "Robert?" 

"Hello, Dalton." I closed my eyes trying to draw out his voice. Dalton bent down and kissed my cheek. 

"Do you want to go wait in the car? He and I need to have a conversation." He asked while whispering in my ear. I pulled back to look at him. He stared at me with a small smile. He wiped the tears out of my eyes and off of my cheeks. "Or it can wait until tomorrow?" He suggested. I nodded. He lew out a soft chuckle and glanced up at dad. "I'll see you two tomorrow." 

"Jax?" Nick said. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "I'm sorry." I glanced down and looked back up at him. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." His face lit with hurt as I turned around. I got into Dalton's car as did he and he turned to me. 

"I was planning on having a carefree night. So I drew you a bath and made you dinner. I bought some romance movies and a disco ball so we could dance. But we can just watch movies and cuddle if you aren't up for it?" I smiled. 

"All of that sounds amazing." He smiled. 

"If you want to cancel my plans I won't get offended." I shook my head. 

"Take my mind off of everything." 

"As you wish my queen." He pulled into the driveway to his house and opened my door for me like he always does. When I got out of the car he pulled me to him and kissed me. I melted into his touch and sighed. He pulled back with a smile. "Hold out your hand." I gave him a confused look and slowly held it out. He put a key in my hand. I looked up at him. 

"What is this?" 

"This is a way of telling you how serious I am about us. I want you to have a key to my house so you may come in and out whenever you please. If you take this it means to me that you are just at serious as I am. You do not have to use the L-word but I will. I'm not pushing you too either. You do not have to give me an answer tonight but I would like you to use it tonight." I smiled at him. 

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