Chapter 39

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I pull up to Dalton's warehouse as I looked down at his message saying he won't be going back to his house. I turned off my car and grabbed the big stack of pizza that I bought and walked inside. Ron smiles as I walk in. He takes the pizza's from me and walks with me. "Good evening Jax. I wasn't expecting you tonight." 

"Yeah, I thought I would surprise Dalton. I was on my way to his house when he told me he wasn't going home tonight so I bought pizza on my way here." 

"I see that. Dalton is in the middle of training right now but you are welcome to watch him." I turn the corner into the gym. Ron put the pizza's down on a table they had in here and we walked up to the one on one battles they had set up. Dalton was on the mat shirtless. Caleb was on the other side shirtless as well. They had on boxing gloves. Caleb already had a few bruises and his lip was bleeding. I looked at Dalton to see he too was a little beaten up. 

"They've been at this for over 30 minutes. I guess Dalton isn't completely over Caleb almost betraying him." Ron informed me. Dalton and Caleb looked at each other. Caleb sighed and took off his gloves. 

"I didn't tell you we were done," Dalton said. Caleb rolled his eyes. 

"This is supposed to be a training match not you beat the cap out of me because you're angry at me." Dalton let out a dry laugh. 

"You do as I say not the other way around Caleb. If I tell you to sit up here and take my hits then that's exactly what you do. If I tell you to get me some water then you do it. If I say we aren't done then we aren't done. You don't get to make your own decisions if it goes against my demands." Caleb sucked on his teeth. 

"This is because of what happen in New York?" 

"You do not get to almost betray me and expect to have a free slate. I have to make an example out of you or my men are going to think it's okay to do exactly what you did." 

"You want to kick my ass then do it already." Dalton took a step towards him. 

"I'm the leader of this gang which means you show me some respect. Until you are willingly to challenge me?" Caleb looked up at him. 

"I'm sorry." Dalton sighed. 

"Alex and Davis you're up on the mat." Dalton jumped down and walked my way with his head down to his hands as he took off his gloves. 

"Hey, handsome," I said. He looks up at me. He instantly smiles. 

"Hey, beautiful." He pulled me to him as he placed his lips to mine. He pulls back and looks at me. "What are you doing here?" I smiled. 

"Well, when you texted me I was already on my way to your place. So I stopped to grabbed some pizza and came here instead." He chuckles. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too." He looked at me and kissed my cheek. I turned and pointed at the big stack of pizzas. "I bought ten so the guys can have some." 

"You didn't have to get so many." 

"I have a friend that works at the pizza place so I only paid for five." He shakes his head. 

"Hey, guys take a break. Jax brought pizza." They all turned to us and cheered. 

"Thanks, Jax." They echoed. Caleb walks up at us. 

"Hey, Jax." I smile. 

"Hi, Caleb." He glances at Dalton and back at me. 

"Everything going good on your end with the plan." I nodded. 

"For the most part. I'm down a guy but I can manage." Dalton looked at me. 

"What happened?" I shake my head. 

"Nothing I'm going to ask Liam to stay out of this fight. I don't want Maya to try and sneak into this fight." He crossed his arms. 

"Maya is going to be joining the fight. She is in charge of taking care of the injured." 

"Oh, I figured you would want here far away from this." 

"I learned my lesson last time of trying to keep her out of this. It's better to involve her as little as possible but to keep her close. Besides she is the best medic we have." I nodded. 

"Alright well, then I won't ask Liam to stand out." 

"How many medics do you have?" Caleb asked. 

"I'm not sure." 

"She has five. But two of them are fighters too." Dalton answered. I looked at him. He looked at me. "I was allied with your gang before." 

"Right." I looked back at Caleb. "You should probably get some pizza before it's gone." He nods and walks away. We walked to the exit of the gym and Dalton takes two pieces before exiting the gym. I shake my head at him. We walk into his office and he closed the door. 

"I love that you came here to surprise me but you should probably go home and get some sleep." I sit in his chair and put my feet on his desk. 

"I took a big nap before leaving the house so I'm good. Besides you have been in my world for the past few days so I want to be in yours for a few hours." He smiles. 

"Cute." I smile. 

"I do try." He walks over to me as he sets his pizza down and places both his hands on my thighs. I look up at him. "Mr. Jones that is highly inappropriate at work." He smirks. 

"But Ms. Astriod we are in my office and I happen to be in charge here. Plus, I'm not one to follows rules." I giggled. 

"I didn't come here for that Dalton." He bends down a little closer to me. 

"I know you didn't and that's not where I was going with this." I gave him an 'oh really' look. He looks in both of my eyes. "I'm glad you're here." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 

"I should come by more often." He nods. 

"I agree." I roll my eyes as a knock comes from the office doors. I glance at it as his sighs. "I guess I should get back to work." 

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