Chapter 25

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When we were finally in New York I took out my phone and dialed Muse which happened to be Caleb's best friend who was in the gang. It was 3 am so I wasn't sure if he was going to be up. "Hello, beautiful." His husky voice answered. I rolled my eyes.

"There's a voice I hate to admit that I missed," I said. Liam was staring out the window.

"What can I do for you, Maya?" He asked.

"I'm Caleb and I left Moscato because something came up. My brother sent us to New York." He chuckled.

"When are you arriving?" He asked happily.

"We're actually already in New York. We arrived about half an hour ago. I need you to send a car to trail us and have another car ready at the spot." I said.

"You already know it, princess." He said. I glance through the mirror to see Caleb passed out.

"Hey, do me a favor and don't bring up Caleb and I. We may not have been together in a while but he's still pretty upset about it."

"Don't worry. What he needs is some bro time." I giggled.

"Okay," I said.

"Are you bringing Liam?" He asked. I looked at him with a smile. He returned that smile.


"Awkward car ride." He said.

"You gave no idea." He chuckled again.

"Alright we had Rover and Grim on a supply drop and they had just finished so I sent them to trail you. They should be behind you now." I looked behind me to see a car light flash and I nodded.


"Alright call me when you get to the spot. The guys will take the car from you and hide it when you are ready to go home. I'll see you in a little bit." I sighed.

"See you, Muse." I hung up and relaxed a bit. A car swerved in front of me and I began to slow down. Something about this car didn't seem right. "Caleb!" I yelled. He shot up.

"What?" He asked.

"Call Rover or Grim. Something about this car doesn't seem right." He picked up his phone and it didn't even right more than once.

"I think we have trouble. Yeah. The one in front of us. Yeah. Okay." He hung up. I glanced at him. "Keep your eyes on the road Maya." He said.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"Rover said he is going to try to divert them."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because I think that's what this person is hoping for. Look behind Rover. There's another car just waiting." He glanced.

"Damn it." He said. He looked at Liam. "Liam you're going to have to drive." I look over at Caleb.

"I'm hello? If we stop then we're fucked." He rolled his eyes and turned to Liam. Liam unbuckled his seat belt and turned to me.

"I'll take the wheel you just keep your foot on the gas and pull your seat all the way back." He said. I nodded. His hands placed over mine and I moved my seat back. "Unbuckle." I did as he said and he swung his legs over to the driver's side and ended up with me on his lap. I climbed over to the passenger seat and buckled back up as Liam glanced over the mirror. "Call your friend back. We're about to lose all of them." He said. I grabbed my phone and called Muse.

"Rover called. How's it going?"

"Um Liam has got an idea but we have to lose Rover," I said.

"I thought you were driving?"

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