Chapter 20

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About two hours passed and my butt was completely numb. I'm pretty sure Dalton had fallen asleep because not a single sound came from his side of the tree. Beck and a few other guys had circled around about a dozen times underneath us. I found our way down and maybe our way but I need a clear shot. But with Beck underneath us may hear if I'm too loud. I sighed. "What are you thinking?" I heard. I glanced over to see Dalton's eyes on to the ground. 

"A lot," I whispered.

"Well, we've got time." He said with his eyes on mine. 

"Well for starters Shane and Nick? Nick really fell for him and Shane just used him. This whole thing with Sara has gone too far. And for what? Because of a guy? Because some random guy I met at the airport falls for me and she falls for him?" He looked a bit hurt by what I was saying so I looked down. 

"I'm sorry Jax."

"I don't want an apology. I want my life back. I don't want to deal with this gang shit anymore. I rather be at home with my drug addict mother and wonder what life was like for the people who had it easy. I didn't ask for any of this and I don't want any of it." 

"So you want an out?" He asked. I looked up at him. 

"I don't want to leave Moscato to do so." He sighed. He opened his mouth to say something as Beck walks by. He shuts up and I carefully stand up. I wait for Beck to walk a little more down and I turn to Dalton. "Come on." He stood up and looked down at Beck. But Beck was clueless. "Get on this side of the tree." He carefully got to my side of the tree and looked down at me. I pointed to the tree close to this one. "That's our way down." He nodded and pulled me to his body. I was about to question it when he turned us so he was closer to the other tree. 

"I'll go first." He whispered. I nodded as he was already walking to it. He swung his arms so he was balancing his body on the tree branch. He made it to the other tree safely just as Beck came back around. I waited for him to be out of sight and I looked up at Dalton. He nodded. "Come on Jax. Try not to look down." I nodded and did as he did but when I gave halfway Beck came back. I stopped in the middle of the in-between that happened to be the weakest part of the branch. Beck paused a moment and listened. I tried my best to not look down as he stood there. I went to see if he was gone but lost my balance and before I slipped off the branch a pair of arms pulled me into them. I went crashing into someone's chest as the walky goes off. 

"Beck we've got movement near the north." Said a guy that sounded like the one from before. 

"On my way," Beck replied. As he hurried up and ran there Dalton and I climbed the tree and ran South. We reached the road about 3 hours later and it was now morning due to the hot sun shining on us. We stayed somewhat in the woods just in case any of Shane's men went driving by. I glanced down at my phone which was at 20%. 

"Anything yet?" Dalton asked after 5 minutes of asking the first 30 times. 

"No bars yet." He nodded as he tucked his hands in his jeans. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. "Sucks you left your phone in the car. Yours was charged more then mine was."

"Well, we should be getting closer to town by now so it won't be long until you get service." He said. I sigh and sat on a broken-down tree. He stopped walking and looked at me. "What are you doing?" He asked. 

"What does it look like I'm doing? We've been on our feet for 3 hours straight. My feet hurt so I'm taking a second to regain my energy." He sighed and sat on the tree 3 spaces away from me. I looked down as my feet began to thank me. 

"I just want to get back to town so we can figure this out than you and I can go our merry ways." He said. I looked over at him. He has been quiet since I said what I said in the woods. 

"Why did you fall for me?" I asked. He looked up at me and his midnight blue eyes shined in the sunlight. 

"Because you are beautiful inside and out. Because you are the only girl I know that can handle everything you were thrown and sit turn out to be one of the good guys. I fell for you because even though you know you want to kill Shane I know you won't. Or how you want to see Sara beg you for her life you aren't going to kill her. Because even after everything you still can't kill anyone. I fell for you because you are the only girl who makes my heart sink just seeing you upset. You are in every woman I see and every dream I have. I can't look at another girl without comparing her to you. Every inch of my body wants you but I don't want to scare you away." I swallowed hard. 

"You were hurt by me saying I don't want any of this?" 

"Yes." I took a deep breath. 

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about you every day. When Shane said to kill you I was afraid to lose you." He took a deep breath. I stood up and walked over to him. He watched my every move as I went in between his legs wrapping my arms around his neck. He stared at my eyes for a while before staring down at my lips. He brought his hand up to my cheek so his thump brushed against my lips. His eyes went back up to mine. "Say it." 

"I love you, Jax." He breathed. I stared into his eyes as I processed the words he had spoken. "You don't have to say back unless you are ready." He said.

"I know." He gave me a small smile. "Kiss me." He let out a small chuckle. 

"As you wish." He whispered. He pulled my head closer to his as he softly placed his on mine. He pulls me closer to him and he deepens the kiss.

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