Chapter 22

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Jax's P.O.V

Dalton pulls away from me and smiles. "We should probably keep walking if we want to get back before Sara gets an idea." He said. I sigh and stand up completely. He stands up and we began walking again. I took out my phone and frowned. 

"It's at 10%." He sighed. 

"Let's walk a little faster." He said. I groaned as the sun was now right above us. 

"I'm hungry and thirsty." I wined. He chuckled. 

"You will make it to town and I'll buy you all the food you want." I looked over at him and smiled. A beeping noise came from my phone and I looked down at it and stopped. 

"We've got one bar." He sighed. 

"Call Nick but try not to give too much information." I nodded and pushed one on speed dial. 

"Hello?" He sounded angry. 

"Nick? Are you okay?" 

"Jax? What? Yeah, I am now. Where are you?" I looked up at Dalton. 

"Dalton and I took a trip camping as you and I did during the summer. We enjoyed the water and we don't need any help." I said. Dalton gave me a confused look. 

"Alright, sis. I love you. Be safe. The water is dangerous at this time." He said. I let out a breath of relief. The phone went dead and I groaned. 

"I thought you wanted help? Or do you want to die out here?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. 

"Nick and I made a few keywords so if we were ever in trouble we would know. The camping trip means to check my GPS. The water means someone might be listening. And don't need help means to hurry. He understood when he responded by saying be safe and he'll be here soon. Well, he said it in code." Dalton smiled. 

"You are smart." 

"What was smart was memorizing that. It took us two years to get it right." He chuckled. 

"What now?" He asked. I looked around. 

"We have to look for a place to hide until he gets here. We don't know if Sara caught onto my GPS the moment I got service." I noticed a huge rock on the other side of the road big enough for both of us to hide. I grabbed his hand making sure no cars we're near and ran across the road. When we got to the huge rock I opened the back of my phone grabbing out the chip.

We hid behind the rock side by side with our backs leaning against it. I sighed. "What's wrong now?" He asked.

"It's just that I'm a gang leader I shouldn't be hiding or running. I should be fighting. I feel like a failure." He smiled.

"You are far from it actually. If we were to fight right now we'd lose. We don't have any more weapons. We don't have our packs. We don't know these woods as they do. What you are doing is using strategy. Not most gang leaders have that. I know Sara doesn't. It's okay to accept when you are outnumbered. This fight is far from over and we will make sure Sara knows that." I nodded. A hand covers my mouth from the other where he wasn't and I snapped my head in the direction to see Nick shushing me.

"Somebody else is here." He whispered. I nodded as he glanced a Dalton. He tossed him a gun and a knife. Data on hid the gun and had the knife ready. "I'm gonna go check it out. Stay here." He said. I nodded. Then he was gone. I heard the clicking sound of a gun.

"Stop right there." I heard a man say. I looked at Dalton.

"Woah man. What is it a crime to walk in these woods?" I heard Nick say.

"Save it, Nick. I'm looking for Dalton. Know where I can find him?" The guy asked.

"Why would I know? How do you even know my name?" Nick asked.

"Dalton was last with your sister. So I suggest you tell me where he is or I'll gladly pull the trigger. I still owe you one for punching me in the nose." The guy said. Dalton rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Will what did I tell you about him? He does not get harmed. Which means you do not get to threaten him." Dalton said out from the big rock. I stood up as Nick come to grab me. I noticed the same guy from the van that kidnapped Nick. Will looked at me.

"What the hell is going on Dalton? You have been MIA for 10 hours." Dalton put his weapon away and wiped his face.

"I've been trying to stay alive for 10 hours. What I can use is a hot shower and an hour of sleep." He said walking past Will. Will glared at Nick for a minute then looked at me.

"Hello, Jax." He said with a smile. I smiled back as I start walking.

"How did you even know where we were?" Dalton asked.

"I didn't I just followed Nick," Will answered as we get down to the cars. Dalton looks at him.

"We're you followed?" He asked.

"I'm not stupid. I know how to lose someone if they were following me." He said looking at Nick. Nick growled at him.

"You seriously have a death wish. And I'll gladly answer it if you keep talking." I grabbed Nick and pulled him away from Will. He looked at me.

"What?" He asked softly.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me for a moment then looked away. "You know about Shane?" I asked. He nodded.

"Blane told me. Then Shane showed up and admitted in his own way." I swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry." He looked at me.

"It's okay beautiful. It's not like you didn't get played either." I let out a dry laugh.

"Let's go home." He nodded and we walked back up to the car. Dalton looked at me.

"I'm going to your place. Maya is there." He said. I nodded. He turned to Will. "Tell the guys to be ready for me. When I get there the first thing we are going to do is a lot of training." Will nodded and got into his car. I got in the back of mine that Nick happened to be driving and laid down. Dalton and Nick sat upfront with Nick driving.

"Hey, Dalton thanks," Nick said out of the blue. He probably thought I was sleeping because I was trying too. Dalton looked over at him. "For protecting her."

"You don't have to thank me, Nick. I'll protect her and everyone she cares about." He said. I smiled as the car stops. nick glances at me through the mirror.

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