Chapter 36

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Caleb's P.O.V

I walk out of the clubhouse as a message from Sara pops up on my phone. I chuck my phone across the driveway as I let out a yell of anger. I look at it for a second as my eyes catch some movement behind the bushes in front of the clubhouse. Two of Sara's ghouls were waiting for me to bring them, Maya. I turn around to see Liam behind me. "You okay man?" He asked. I looked away from him. 

"I need you to do me a favor Liam." He chuckled. 

"You need something from me?" I swallowed hard. 

"I'm going to turn around and hit you. If you want to avoid that you hit me first." 

"Why would you hit me?" 

"It's a long story but Sara's ghouls are watching us right now and they're here for Maya. SO I suggest you do as I said." 

"Wait you're working for Sara aren't you?" I looked at him. 

"She threatened my mom. I didn't have a choice. But I'm making one now. Maya will be safe." He opened his mouth to say something but I noticed Maya walked outside. I took a deep breath and turned around. I took a step forward and quickly turned around. I swung and Liam dodged. He threw one at me and I threw myself to the ground. 

"Oh my god, Caleb!" Maya yelled as she ran up to me. "What the hell was that Liam?" She yelled. 

"He threw the first punch." He defended. I heard a car door open and shut. I opened my eyes and Maya looked surprised. I peeked over to see them rushing over. There were four of them.  They ran up and I jumped up as one of them went to hit Liam. I pushed him back.  

"You traitor." He yelled. 

"I'm the traitor? You are working for Sara. Which means you are going against Dalton and Robert." He scuffed. 

"Robert's dead because that bitch Jax killed him." I hit him in the face. 

"Sara killed him, you moron. How about you wake up and smell the roses. She has been lying to you guys." Another one let out a dry laugh. 

"And what about you? You're just in this for the kicks and giggles?" 

"She threatened my mother. I had no choice but you do." 

"You brought her here right into Sara's trap because you didn't have a choice?" He asked. 

"Believe what you want but you aren't laying a hand on her." He smiles. 

"It's 4 against 1," I smirked. 

"Bring it on." They charged me but Liam stepped in and fought off two as I fought two. I looked at him. 

"This doesn't make up for you betraying Dalton and Jax." I dodge a hit and sent one flying into the street. 

"I only agreed to bring her here so I could get a better handle on this. I was never going to give Maya to Sara. And I wasn't going to kill her either. This is my territory. I rather die than let anything happen to her." He glances at me. He turns back as they charge him. I look at the guy still standing and pull out my gun. I shot out four bullets and there bodies they recklessly on the ground. Liam looks back to see Maya looking confused. "Muse!" I yelled. Muse came walking out and looked at the dead bodies. 

"I'm on it." I nodded. 

"Dalton hear him out first." I heard Jax's voice. I turned to see Dalton walking at a speedy pace to me. Jax ran up to him and stopped him from walking but his eyes stayed on me. Blane hopped out of the car and leaned on it. 

"You've got some nerves to betray me." Dalton roared. I nodded. 

"He didn't," Liam said. Dalton looked at him. "He didn't bring her here for Sara he brought her here because he had alliances." I looked at Liam. 

"Why are you helping me? I put her in danger either way." He looked at me. 

"Her brother is a gang leader. And she's dating a gang member. She's always in danger. You just made sure you had back up if things went sideways which they didn't. Maya is alive because you protected her. I may not like you but I understand where you are coming from." 

"Maya you are coming home," Dalton said walking up to her. She looked up at him. 

"How bad is it?" She asked. He sighed. 

"Sara is one step ahead of us no matter what we do. There's no way to stop this war." She sighed. 

"Hey, boss," Muse said. Dalton looked up at him and gave him a small smile. 

"Hey, Muse." Rover and Grim walked outside and Rover glanced at Jax and began drooling. 

"Who is that goddess?" He asked. 

"I wouldn't, she's off the table," I warned. Rover looked at me. 

"Not by you if you can't even get over your ex." 

"That's Jax," Maya said. Rover frowned. 

"Damn boss you always get the hot ones." Dalton let out a small chuckle. Maya smirked. 

"I'll go get my stuff." Lily walked outside. 

"You're leaving?" She asked. I looked up at her. She gave me a hurt look. "Caleb you just got here." I sighed. 

"Lily I need to make you are out of harm's way. Being here with Muse and the guys make sure you are." She folded her arms. 

"What about you? Who is going to look out for you?" I sighed. 

"Don't worry Lily. I'll make sure he comes back in one piece for your birthday." Liam said. She looks at him and gives him a small smile. 

"Thank you, Liam." He nods. I look at him. 

"Not to ruin a perfectly good moment but Nick needs us to go now," Blane said as he walked up to us. We looked at him. 

"What's wrong?" Jax asked. 

"Sela found out where Sara is staying but we only have a two-day window to bring the fight to her. It's the only way to catch her off guard." Dalton turned to me. 

"Get my sister home without a scratch or you're dead meat." I nod.

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