Chapter 15

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"Dalton?" He sighed and looked at me.

"Sara has his brother." He said. I looked at Blane.

"He could be lying." Blane didn't even look at me.

"His brother is 4. He wouldn't be lying about something like this." I looked at Nick and he stared at me.

"Your call." He said. I looked at Dalton.

"What do you think?" I said. He looked at Blane and back at me.

"Leave him until we figure things out." I look at Blane and his eyes were on me. I kneeled in front of him.

"You got lucky for now. But if your story doesn't add up Nick will get the okey to kill you. And I'm sure he won't waste a second to do so." Blane just looked away. I stood up and turned out the room. "Nick you're on Blane duty. If he so much as itches his thigh kill him." Nick stands in front of me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I've got an even step sister to kill." He said crossed his arms.

"What about Blane's brother?"

"We will find him. But I'm not going to sit around until she comes back. I have to come up with something." He sighs.

"Just be careful please." He said.

"I will. Tim will take turns with you on Blane's watch." He hugs me and then walks back into the gym. I turn to go to my room as I noticed what time it was. I got down to my room as Dalton stops on the steps.

"What are you planning on doing?" He asked.

"Well I'm going to take a nap and when I'm done with that I'm going to visit a friend." He walks down and stops at the foot of the bed.

"A nap?"

"I'm not getting any sleep tonight so I'm getting it now."

"Than I'm gonna head back to my warehouse fo figure out somethings." He said. I took my shoes off and plugged in my phone.

"Or you can go home and get some sleep considering you didn't sleep at all last night." He chuckled.

"I barely get tired." He said right before he yawned.

"How long has it been since you slept?" He tucked his hands in his jeans.

"3 days." I shake my head.

"You need to go home and sleep."

"If I leave here I'm not going too. I hate being home alone and sleeping alone." He said.

"Then you, my friend are sleeping here." He gave me a soft smile.

"Jax as much as I enjoy seeing you I should really get back to figure things out." I roll my eyes.

"Dalton there are a million bedrooms in the house. Pick one because you aren't leaving until you sleep." He sighs. He takes his shoes off and lays on the other side of my bed. "What are you doing?"

"You said to pick a room. I picked yours."

"Not what I meant but find. As long as you stay on your side of the bed." He slips under the covers and rolls over facing me. I lay next to him about a few inches away and slip under the same covers. I was facing him as he smiles.

"Hi." I close my eyes.

"Go to sleep Dalton." I chimed.

"I can't. Not laying next to you. I'm sure you remember last time we were meant to be sleeping." I open my eyes to see he got a little closer.

"Yes my memory of you is crystal clear now but that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you again." He smiled.

"I just want to cuddle."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do." I rolled my eyes at his childishness and moved over to him. He wrapped his arms around me instantly and I laid my head on his chest. "You know the morning after you came over you had left in a hurry. I was upset that you didn't give me your number and we could have talked. I thought I was never going to see you again." I looked up at his eyes as he talked. 

"I was 17 and you were a guy I had just met. I was getting over a breakup and you were there. I lived in another city. We couldn't have made it work even if I wanted too." He smiled. 

"Well for the record you are welcome to come to me whenever you need help getting over a breakup." I scuffed. 

"Thanks, Dalton. I'll remember that." I said sarcastically while turning around. 

"Go to sleep Jax." He whispered in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine as his hand touched my bare waist. I took a deep breath and moved his hand over my shirt. 

"Keep your hand right there." He chuckled. 

"What's wrong? Does it bother you?" His lips brushed lightly against my ear. I look over at him and he smiled as his lips were meters away. 

"Don't make me move." I threatened. He smiled. 

"I'll be good." I turned my head back and closed my eyes. His hand slipped back under my shirt and rested on my stomach. I took a deep breath and sided against saying anything. 

"Did you move here because of me?" I asked quietly while playing with his hands. 

"I had bought a house here a week before I heard you were here. Maya was going to school here so I wanted to be here to protect her after her ex-boyfriend raped her. It was just convent that you happened to be in the city. But I stayed because of you." I took a deep breath. 

"My memories were gone for a while but when they came back I didn't want them. I liked the girl I was before I remembered where I came from. I was innocent and kind. The kind of girl a guy could take home to his mom. Now I'm the kind of girl that will wipe a guy off the planet. Ever since my memories came back I've struggled more then I did before the accident." 

"If you ask me I'd say you are the type of girl I would love to take home to my mom." I giggled and looked over at him. "She would have loved you too." He said with a smile. 

"Are you always this cheesy?" he rolled his eyes. 

"No. Just for you." He said with a wink. I looked down at his lips as he smirked. I took a deep breath and turned back around and closed my eyes. 

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