Wake up~

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Ok so I'm so sorry it's just that some family stuff had been going on, but it's good. I have time for the story now.

(Y\N)'s pov

I see... A... A person? What the hell? Who is that? Oh God what happened last night?

They... Have a microphone... As thier head? I can't tell if they are male or female. Don't really want to check. Okay, I have all my clothes on, I don't remember anything, I have a massive headache. WHAT THE FRICK FRACK SNIC SNAC HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?

I get up. I don't know where I am. I assume I'm in another room in the casino, because it looks a lot like my room. I walk out, and head to the bar to see what went on. It was empty. What time is it? I check a clock. It's 3:00 in the morning???

I see... Nothing but overturned tables and spilled drinks. Great, more of a mess to clean. It's like...

I hear a faint groan.

I turn around, and look for the source. There's Dice! He's like, knocked out. I go over and try to analyze him. He looks fine, but he also looks very, very drunk.

Sigh. I drag him back to his room. Hey, it's not like I can pick him up, he's like two times my size. Unfortunately, I am apparently very bad at coordination and I kind of smack his head on a couple of corners on the way.

I don't really want to leave him. I pass out on the table trying to decide.

Mics pov

Mmgh. I'm so tired, and ugh... What a hangover. I remember going to the-

Wait where's the girl I was with last night?

I turn and try to look for her. Who was that, anyway? Oh... Right it was that chick with the ... Oh God that's Dice's girl isn't it? Oh f*ck if that's the girl I took back with me I'm dead. But, I don't remember doing anything. I remember kissing her and then bringing her back and then passing out.

Damn it sometimes I really bite off more than I can chew.

Dice's pov

All I remember is getting really jealous and angry when... Someone... I can't remember who, took (Y\N) back to thier room. I remember just trying to forget about it by drinking. But here I am, remembering.

With a huge headache. I even have a bunch of scratches and bumps. Did I get into a fight or something?

I'm just sitting here in my room. I didn't even wake up in my bed. Just next to it.Wait a minute how did I even get here? Didn't I pass out near the bar?

I get up and stumble into the kitchen. There's (Y\N). Of course, she's such a nice person. Of course she dragged me back here. Ah, I could never be angry at her. But she probably shouldn't be asleep at my kitchen table.

I pick her up and put her in her own bed.

"I love ya, (Y\N)."

She's still asleep. I hope that one day I'll get a response.

One day.

Give me ideas! I want to hear your insight!!!! I enjoy reading the comments, I really do!

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