Chapter 34

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It's been a over a month since that mind-blowing kiss that plays on repeat in my head—the one that made the world stop around me. It's also been over a month since I've really spent time with Rhett, not that he's distancing himself from me, but because he's been working with his dad to teach Wesley, so he's been busy.

Unfortunately for Wesley, suppressing his werewolf side for so long had had a big effect on his temper, so Rhett and Sawyer have constantly been at his side, helping him control it.

Poor Wesley had to quit the football team because the direct contact with other players almost made him shift a few times. Luckily, football season is over, but he won't be accepting any of the football scholarships that were offered like my brother. This didn't bother him as much like Sawyer, but I could tell it still had an affect on him. Jason did warn him about how much everything would change.

He still hasn't gone home to his mom or forgave her. I think it's because of all the anger he is experiencing. He is getting closer with Jason though, and even Rhett is trying with him in his own way.

"If you don't control that temper, I'll have no problem knockin' you over the head and takin' you home, Wes," Rhett threatened as his eyes narrowed at him.

Wesley's eyes flashed bright blue as he glared at his new-found brother. "It's not my fault that sophomore ran into me and knocked my food onto the floor!"

Rhett's eyes cut to mine, and he let out a frustrated sigh, which meant it was my turn to help. "Wes, come on. He tripped and fell into you. It wasn't his fault. I know that you were hungry and are mad, but it's not worth exposin' yourself over. Just think about a moment that you were truly happy. Here." I handed him a granola bar from my bag. "Eat this. It will make you feel better."

He snatched it from my hand and opened it, letting out a slight moan at the taste as if it was the best thing he's ever eaten. Rhett and I suppressed a laugh.

"What?" He asked in annoyed tone and took another bite. "I'm hungry okay? This whole..." he lowered his voice. "Werewolf thing has done a number on my appetite."

"That's normal," Rhett stated. "You need to eat more meats and carbs. It should help fill you up."  While Wesley huffed and continued to eat his food, Rhett turned to me. "Are you still comin' over tonight?  We are puttin' up the Christmas tree and having a turkey dinner."

I smiled. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it. I haven't seen you lately."

I could have sworn Rhett blushed. From the corner of my eye, I could see a scowl on Wesley's face.

"Great.  I'll pick you up around six. Wear an ugly sweater," he winked. "Not that anythin' could look ugly on you, darlin'."  Heat rose to my cheeks as he dragged an annoyed Wesley to his pick-up.

I waved at them before making my way home to get ready. The snow crunched under my feet as I made my way up my porch steps and into my house. A sweet aroma filled my nostrils as soon as I opened the door. Gigi and my mom were in the kitchen baking some cookies.

"There you are!"  Gigi exclaimed and held out a platter of cookies. "Wanna do the honors and frost the first cookie?"

Guilt swam around in my stomach at her question. Tonight I was going to Rhett's for Christmas Eve dinner, even though I always celebrate it with my family here by baking and singing Christmas carols. I guess a lot more has changed this year than I thought. "Actually..." I said in a low voice. "I'm goin' to the Dixon's for dinner tonight and have to get ready."

My mom's face dropped, which made me feel bad. "You're not celebratin' Christmas Eve with us?"

I looked between her and Gigi, who looked more understanding of me breaking tradition. I was silently hoping that Gigi would help me out on this.

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