My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess

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 Hola my amigos! It's me Autumn Purdy. Sadly to say, touring is over and I'm back home with my little family. My dad, Cayden, Audrey, and I are heading back to Los Angeles. Its good to be back home because I get to see my friends. But I'm also sad because I won't be able to see the guys as often, especially with school. Ugh!

 In two weeks I'll be going back to high school as a junior-and a teen mom. But its not so bad, there's a bunch of other girls in my school who had babies and their totally fine. Just one problem. Who's going to watch Audrey while I'm in school and while my dad does work related projects?

 Cayden could do it, but he promised my dad and I that he would look for a job to bring some money into the house. Plus, Cayden's still in school like me, so I'm guessing I'm shit out of luck. This is another problem being a rock star's daughter, you get pregnant, you can't find no one to watch the baby. Unless you're old enough and live by yourself and you also have friends to watch your kid.

 But in my case, I don't so its pretty yeah...

 Oh I got to go, my dad is calling me downstairs. Talk to you later peeps! Remember: Never Give In and Never Back Down

 ----------------------> if you were curious to what Autumn looked like. Here she is

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora