My Purdy Dad- Therapists & Birthday Cake

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 Ashley's POV

 I was sitting in the living room playing with Audrey in her little bouncer. When something dawned on me. Today is Cayden's birthday and I just yelled at the kid for playing a prank on me! Damn!

 "Brooke!" I called. She ran down the stairs and into the living room

 "What? What's wrong?" she freaked. I smiled giggling at her, she always thinks there's a problem when somebody calls her name.

 "Look, I forgot Cayden's birthday. Why don't we call everyone we know and throw him a party? Right here. Tonight?"

 "Oh! That'd be awesome! Sure, let's do it!" she smiled

 "Okay, do you think you could call the guys and watch Audrey? I'm going to the store pick up a birthday cake and some party supplies."

 "Yeah, sure babe." She smiled and kissed me before I head out the door to the party supply store. As I was driving down the road I was wondering how Autumn was doing in school. She's probably fine.

 Autumn's POV

 I was laying in the nurse's office thinking what the hell is going on here?! Kassie can't be following me around can she? She can't she's in jail! Kassie tried to kill me and my baby! She also tried to burn the house down! But why did everything seem so real? Especially with that dream?

 "Autumn?" the nurse called my name. I looked up and saw her standing there with a slender young woman. She had brown hair and eyes, was wearing a blue dress top, black skirt and black heels. But who was she?

 "Hi Autumn. I'm Heather Meckelson, I work in the peer counsling center of the school. Your teachers said you've been having some problems? Is that true?" she asked. They sent me a therapist to come talk to me?! Okay, I know my teachers met my family and think they're crazy. But that doesn't make me crazy does it?!

 "Uhm..yeah I guess" I said looking at her

 "Well come on. We can go back to my office and get to know each other. Okay?" she smiled. I got up and followed her down the hall. I'd like to know who sent this quack of a therapist to me. It was probably Ms. Jenner's idea. She's met all the guys and thought they were a bunch of weirdos. My biology teacher doesn't like me that very much. Or my family.

 We walked into Heather's office. It was neat and clean, had a lot of books on the shelves and there was a small red couch in the room. She instructed me to take a seat on it, which I did and sat there waiting for these questions to begin.

 "So Autumn" she smiled "tell me a little bit about yourself." Where do I start?

 "I'm sixteen, live with my dad here in L.A, and play the guitar."

 "It's just you and your dad? What about your mom?" she pulled a clipboard out and started taking notes. I hate it when people ask about my mom. It's like a knife that goes through my chest and tears up my heart a little more each time.

 "M-my mom passed away when I was five." I looked away from her

 "Do you know what happened? Or were you too young?"

 "She was killed by a drunk driver."

 "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. So tell me about your dad, what does he do?"

 "He's in a band. Tours a lot, I go with him sometimes if its not too much of a problem. Ever hear of the Black Veil Brides? That's his band. Most of my teachers hear know my story, so why do you want to hear it?" I glared at her.

 "No, I don't think I've ever heard of them before. Do you like touring with your dad?" she wrote down some more notes on her clipboard.

 "I like it. Its a drag when we have to travel so many miles, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."

 "One of the teachers here told me you have a daughter? Is that true?"

 "Yes, her name is Audrey and she's three months old. Her father's name is Cayden, he works and he loves us very much. Now can I go back to class? I think that's enough twenty questions for now." I just realized it's Cayden's birthday. Crap!

 "What about that outburst you had in class? Your biology teacher sent me to you about that." I knew it! Ms. Jenner! That old bitch!

 "I can't talk about it. I want to go."

 "Of course you can. Everything you say here is strictly between you and me." she smiled. I didn't know if I could trust her. Everytime I trust someone, they end up hurting me.

 "Well, I was on tour over the summer with my dad. He met this girl named Kassie whom I didn't like. She framed me of stealing my dad's credit card! When we busted her, she got mad and threatned me. When I was pregnant Kassie came to my house trying to kill me. Ever since that happened I can't forget it! I had this very realistic dream about her killing me again and then I swear I saw her standing outside the school!"

 "Sounds like you're dealing with some post traumatic stress disorder. Its pretty normal in your case, nothing to be ashamed about. I see it all the time."

 "D-do I need medication?" That's all I would of needed! To be put on pills!

 "No, your case isn't too bad. I think therapy is the best route for you to go. Now I'm going to send you back to class and then we'll meet again here next week. Okay?"

 I smiled at her and said "okay" I walked out of her office and felt..better! It felt good to talk to someone and say I'm okay. A little stress disorder? Could've been worse. But I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest!

 After school Brooke came and picked us up after school. She told Cayden there was something at the house for him. I knew it was a surprise party for his birthday. My dad texted me and told me not to spill it or he would go out and get a stripper for Cayden! Hell to the no! We pulled into the driveway and walked inside. It was dark. So classic to throwing the surprise party. I looked around and saw Andy's long legs from behind our couch.

 I flipped on the lights and the guys jumped out from their spots yelling 'Happy Birthday!' Cayden was totally surprised. We walked over to the guys and started talking and laughing.

 "Oh Cayden! Stay there" my dad ordered as he ran into the kitchen. Three seconds later he walked out carrying a cake and set it down on the table. I couldn't believe the picture on this cake! It was a naked woman! Had two candles sticking out from her boobs! I was pissed! I am going to kill my dad!

 "Wow! Uh..thanks..uh Ash" Cayden said looking at me nervously. I just glared at him and my dad. Of course the guys loved it!

 "Here" my dad borrowed CC's lighter and lit the candles "make a wish dude!" Cayden leant his head down and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered, except me. Jake walked over with some forks and plates and passed them out to everyone.

 "Cayden?" I asked sweetly

 "Yeah?" he answered smiling. I took the knife and cut a piece of cake and held it in my hand.

 "Since it's your birthday. Why don't I feed you a piece and you feed me a piece? Sound like a plan?" I smiled. Cayden cut a piece out and held it in his hand. We intertwined our arms and reached for each other's mouths. When I got to Cayden's mouth, I smashed the cake right in his pretty little face!

 Soon we all had a cake war and started throwing it at each other. Me starting the cake fight, that's my payback to my dad for getting a naked lady on Cayden's cake!

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now