My Purdy Dad- Nerf War

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 The next morning I heard talking coming from the kitchen. I was still tired from last night since I got no sleep! Note to self: Kill dad. I walked out and saw all the guys in our small kitchen talking and laughing. Oh well aren't they having a wonderful time! They got their sleep! I walked over to the table sitting down and rested my head on the table.

 "Good morning, Miss Autumn'' said CC. My reply was a groan in annoyance.

 "Someone woke up in a 'fabulous' mood this morning" said Jake laughing. I lifted my head up and sighed.

 "That's because Mr. Porno over there, kept me up all night!" I said pointing to my dad and put my head back on the table.

 "Awee! You poor thing!" Jake said rubbing my back "you scarred your daughter for life Ashley. I can't wait until what your other kid is going to see." he laughed. My dad just flipped him off. Hope my dad gets rid of the dirty magazines. I remember when I was four and found them.


 I was upstairs in my room sitting at my little desk, coloring on some paper. Of course you know how little kids are and get into everything. Well, that was me. I was into everything that my parents owned. Make up, clothes. Everything! Well I got bored with coloring so I walked into my parents' room, I opened up all the drawers and looked through them. I found a book with naked girls in it! I didn't know what it was so I thought: Ask mom and dad.

 "Mommy?" I asked walking in the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table looking through one of the store ads or something.

 "Yes sweetie?" she asked smiling looking at me. I held up the magazine to her face.

 "What's this?" my mom could of fainted when she saw what I had in my tiny hands. She snatched the magazine from me and called my dad.

 "Look what our daughter just found in our room!?" she held up the magazine and my dad's face turned pale as a ghost. Busted! <end flashback>

 Hope my dad doesn't go through that again! We were all spread out in the little living room watching a random movie, then I remembered I got the guys those Nerf guns!

 "Guys? I got you something!" I smiled running to the bedroom. I took them out of the bag and smirked. Why not surprise attack them? I opened the package and loaded the darts into the gun. Oh, this is gonna be great! I slowly and quietly walked out of the room and hid behind the wall. One..two...three!! I jumped out and ambushed them with rubber darts!!

 "Attack!!!!!" I yelled running around hitting them with darts. They all got up and chased me into the hallway. "There's more guns in the bedroom. Go get em! We're having a war!" I laughed. Twenty minutes later the guys came out and chased me down the hallway with their guns.

 "Dad!! No!! They shot you!" I fake cried. Jake hit my dad right in the forehead with a rubber dart! He just laid there like a slug, it was his only defense.

 "Go save yourself! Protect the others! Reproduce and save the population!!!" he cried holding my arm

 "Okay! This one's for you dad!" I got up and charged after CC. I jumped on him pinning him down. I held the Nerf gun to his nose. "You killed my father! How could you CC!" I yelled.

 "You don't understand! I AM your father!" he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He raised his gun up and pointed to all the guys. "I'm taking her hostage! Nobody move and you won't be full of rubber darts!" I was laughing hysterically as CC carried me in the room.

 "CC? It's Andy, open the door." he ordered. CC opened the door and smiled at him.

 "Yes, Andy?" he smiled

 "Give us back the girl!" Andy yelled smiling.

 "Noo!! I keep her! She's mine! Mine!" But what CC didn't know was that Jinxx went all ninja crawling in and saving me. Jinxx picked me up and ran past CC.

 "I GOT HER ASHLEY! SHE'S OKAY!" Jinxx yelled running down the hall and handing me over to my dad. My dad held me and stroked my hair.

 "Shh! Shh, its okay. That crazy man isn't gonna hurt you!" he said smiling. All of a sudden we just burst out laughing like idiots. Apparently, we were having too much fun and someone called the manager on us. He told us that we had to be more quiet. Please with my family? Quiet is a word that is never used around us! We took the Nerf guns back inside and just chilled for the rest of the night.

 Ohh CC! :D You make the world go round! XD

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now