My Purdy Dad- Good News

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 Well I was released from the hospital yesterday. Now I have to attend group therapy two times a week. Ugh, too much for me! I was sitting on the couch watching Audrey sleep in her rocker, my daughter looks exactly like Cayden. How am I ever going to explain to her that daddy was a cheating, heartless, bastard? I started crying thinking about she's going to be like me. No father in her life. Brooke and my dad walked in snapping me out of my thoughts.

 "Autumn? You ok?" my dad asked taking a seat next to me

 "Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled wiping my face

 "Well, I have some good news to tell you, Autumn" Brooke said smiling

 "Tell me"

 "I'm having another baby!" she squeeled. I smiled jumping up and hugging her tightly

 "Wow! Really?! That's awesome!" I looked over at my dad smiling. He was really happy, my dad got up and walked over to us.

 "Yep" he smiled kissing Brooke. Then my dad did something I thought I'd never see him do. He pulled out a small black velvet box and got down on one knee holding Brooke's hand. "Brooke, you know I love you more than words describe. We've been through so much these past months and..well I want to make my family complete with you. Brooke, will you marry me?" My dad opened the box and the ring glistened in the light coming from our living room window.

 "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" Brooke cried letting my dad slip the ring on her finger. He picked Brooke kissing her and spun her around. I was really happy for them. Brooke announced she was pregnant and my dad proposed. Sweet.

 (Sorry it was so short guys, I'm running out of ideas....Brooke's ring)

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now